Part 3

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Gym class why does David have to be in my gym class, I love gym class. Not anymore. And you know the worst part he came to sit with me on the bleachers.

Let me explain something, when you get out of the locker rooms you have to wait on the bleachers for everyone else to come out. I am always

the first one out, and apparently he was the second one out. Just my luck.

He was kind of cute. And nice. "Your pretty." He said. Great he likes me! Ugh! I hate my life sometimes.

I starred into space like nothing just happened. "Are you okay?" He asked. I turned my head around, and found myself staring into his deep blue beautiful eyes. Okay you can say it, I'm falling for him. "Hello?" He said, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Yeah?" I asked we were both staring into each other's eyes now. "You have beautiful eyes." Those word were slipping out of my mouth. "You do to." Caroline stuck her hand In between us and snapped her fingers. We both jumped and looked at her. She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Hello? I thought you said when you met him you were gonna kick his ass!" She said kind of ruining the moment. "What?" David asked. He looked at me in confusion.

"Okay, so when I told you when I was in the woods last night you said you were gonna KICK HIS ASS WHEN YOU MET HIM, right?" She asked. "Maybe." I said. "Oh I see, you to are falling for each other! Awe! This is so cute! I'm gonna leave you two alone now!" Now what she said was really embarrassing. "Roommates." I said shaking my head. "You think that's bad check out mine!" He pointed to some nerd at the top corner of the bleachers. When he saw us he dropped his book and waved.

I covered my mouth and giggled. "I'm asking if I can change my room." He said. "Wow. That's really bad!" I said while giggling.

"Okay class!" Said Mr.Ralm "Today we will be playing volleyball!" The class cheered. He pulled the net (on wheels) into the gymnasium. "I will be putting you guys into separate teams so line up on the wall to get your number. REMEMBER YOUR NUMBER!" He said. I jumped off the side of the bleachers and landed on my feet kind of showing off to David.

I lined up on the wall away from David. Omfg. The clique was standing right next to me. I'm not going to live to see tomorrow. This is the end. "What's your problem?" She said. She gave me a dirty look. "Get away from me you fucking ugly bitch!" She nudged me on my arm "omfg! She just touched me!" Said Abigail, the leader of the clique. "Oh! I thought you were so perfect you didn't cuss! My apologies, queen Abigail!" I said in a sassy voice. She opened her mouth like she just got the biggest insult in her life. I walked to a different spot.

When gym class was over, Mr.Ralm dismissed us to the locker rooms. I grabbed my books out of the locker and got ready to leave but- "ZOND!" Abigail yelled my last name. I ran and hid inside of one of the bathroom stalls. "ZOND!" She yelled again and slammed open a locker door her clique following behind her. "ZOND!" She yelled again making the other girls scatter out of the locker room. "ZOND!" She yelled again, this time no one was in the locker room except me and her clique.

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