Chapter 1

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*things in italize are thoughts.Alot of thoughts are Luhan's.

Senior year was just the worse, Luhan thought. He and his boyfriend had just broken up a few months ago; Yixing had listened to Luhan's complaining, and saying that Suho was a total jerk. Yixing didn't mind listening; Yixing wondered why Luhan had always come to him about everything. Yixing knew they knew each other in Kindergarten, but they barely talked, Luhan would just try and hang with Yixing's friends.

Until 5th grade, they started talking and always called each other in the summer. Yixing found it amusing to watch Luhan go on with his rants. Luhan was funny. Yixing wondered why Luhan talked to him more than he talked to his best friend from 3rd grade Oh Sehun. Luhan just told Yixing, that it’s been going downhill from all the stress, and sometimes Sehun was a little busy to listen and Luhan never told Sehun how he felt.

Luhan had just walked into the cafeteria. He saw Sehun, and waved to his buddy. Luhan sat down right next to Sehun. Yixing just came over with his lunch.

“Hey guys, what’s up? Where’s the party at?” Yixing said as he put down his lunch and sat next to Luhan.  

“Oh, they should be here any minute,” said Sehun. Luhan looked up from his food and saw Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae, and Kris Wu Yifan heading towards their table. Luhan just looked back down; he was too tired to talk.

“Hey guys, can we all sit here?” questioned Jongin. “Duh, you guys are our friends,” said Sehun with that ‘you guys should know that’ tone. “Oh, Hey Luhan,” Kris said.

Luhan just looked up and nodded, and continued on some art homework that he pulled out a minute ago. “Is someone in a bad mood?” Kris asked Yixing while looking at Luhan. Yixing just shrugged, and Kris just started to stare at Luhan for awhile.

Luhan was too focused on his art homework (He wants to go to an art college), that he didn’t really pay attention to his friends. “Really, Jongdae, you have a boyfriend, OMG, who is it?” Sehun asked a little too happy. “Yeah…yeah, he’s going to be coming here today...” replied Jongdae while pushing Sehun away.

Yixing pushed him slightly and said, “Dude, who it is? What’s his name?” At that moment, Luhan looked up and realized what they were talking about. Luhan doesn’t like Jongdae that much because Jongdae doesn’t like him. Luhan was getting his things together and realized Kris was looking at him, Luhan blushed.

He walked fast away from the group and did not hear the last thing Jongdae said. In the corner of his eye as he was leaving, he saw that Kris had gotten up and started to follow him. It’s not like he doesn’t like Kris, it’s just that he doesn’t want to look weird in front of his crush. Kris was tall, a bad boy, had blonde sexy hair, he looked like he owned the place, and an overall dream guy.

Luhan walked faster trying to hide. Where can I hide? Ohhh…perfect.. He found a classroom to hide in and it actually worked as Luhan prayed that Kris wouldn’t find him… and it worked ‘no Kris to be found’. Luhan happily walked to his locker that was down the stairs a few meters away from the classroom he hid in, and success, he was just that good at not being seen.

Even though people easily forget that Luhan is there, even the fact that he has pink hair, PINK HAIR. Luhan arrived at his locker “33”, and put his books away from his art classes and grabbed his music class notes, and closed his locker door.

 Suddenly, a hand pushed his shoulder against his locker., here we go again, Luhan thought. “Hey, you know I hate you, and you are so fun to mess with,” a recognizable voice said. Huang Zitao. The tough/soft guy of the school, he is good in martial arts, and he only bully’s Luhan (for some unknown reason).

 “Don’t,” whispered Luhan. Zitao laughed and said, “Please, that’s not gonna happen, you know”. Zitao smirked as he punched Luhan in the stomach, he continued punching and even punched Luhan’s sides. Luhan winced, the pain was horrible. Luhan dropped his books and fell on the floor only to be kicked by Zitao.

Zitao picked him up and pushed him against the locker again, as Zitao said, “Learn your lesson”. What lesson, Luhan thought, what did he ever do? Suddenly, a voice was heard but it wasn’t coming from Zitao’s mouth. It was Kris. Luhan looked at Zitao, and Zitao looked nicer and said, “Oh...Hi Kris, I was just making sure Luhan understood the notes we took in Math,” with a smile.

Luhan noticed something in Zitao’s eyes, it was calmer looking. “Oh, good, oh, Luhan we should get to English class, let’s not be late, and bye, Zitao,” Kris said walking away. Luhan obeyed as Kris pulled him along with him. Luhan looked at Zitao who was a little dumbfounded and in a trance. Weird, Luhan thought to himself.

As they walked to class, Luhan’s sides were hurting and his body all over. Good…. Just great, I hope he doesn’t notice. Luhan quickly walked by and took his seat. The bell rang, and the teacher, Mr. Kyung said, “Hello, students, I would like you to meet our new transfer student”. A boy came forward, and Luhan thought he seemed nice. “Hello, my name is Kim Minseok. Please take care of me,” said the boy. Luhan just stared at how cute the boy was.

 “Okay, Mr. Kim, please take a seat next to…..” said Mr. Kyung as he looked around the room. “Luhan,” as Mr. Kyung pointed to the boy’s seat. Luhan stared shyly at the boy as Minseok took his seat. Minseok noticed the boy ‘Luhan’ as Mr. Kyung said earlier. Minseok turned to the boy and said, “Hi, I’m Minseok”. Luhan just smiled and said, “I’m Luhan”, as he quickly turned away.

The bell rang and suddenly Sehun came bursting in the classroom, he asked Luhan how his day was and when they were talking, Sehun noticed someone. “Minseok, OMG, so nice to meet you” said Sehun. Sehun says Omg too much, Luhan thought. Luhan looked up and asked, “Sehun, how do you know him? Or know his name?”

“Well, do you ever listen, Luhan?” said Sehun with a look in his eye. “No”, Luhan said back embarrassingly. “I want you to be my friend, Minseok, I heard about you from Jongdae,” said Sehun to Minseok as they walked away.

Again, Luhan blanked out and heard nothing Sehun said. I swear I need to get more sleep, I zone out to much. It was time to go home and so Luhan did. Over a month, the same old same old, but Luhan noticed Sehun has been spending a lot of time with Minseok and not with Luhan, he got a little jealous and felt left out, like Minseok was taking away his friends.

Luhan was walking to his locker and heard Jongin talking to Yixing, “I still can’t believe Minseok is Jongdae’s boyfriend, I never thought he would have gotten one, even before me” Jongin said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. This shocked Luhan a little, ‘really, how, when’ and finally he actually paid attention for once.

Luhan looked over and saw Minseok crying, as usual he was with Sehun, Sehun was comforting Minseok. Sehun hugged Minseok tight and stroked Minseok’s hair. Luhan felt bad that he wasn’t close to Minseok like that, he only wished, he wanted to get to know the boy, but was a little shy towards making new friends. Luhan figured Minseok would hate him like Zitao has hated him.

The next day, their English teacher has said that they were going on a field trip, an overnight thing. Luhan had gotten paired with Minseok for the assignment and room. Luhan got a little scared; I kind of actually would rather with Kris, shocking how I actually wanted that at this moment.

Luhan was kind of freaking out that he was paired with Minseok, What if he hates me. Luhan sighed. Tomorrow is going to be tough, Luhan thought. At that moment, Luhan went home and fell asleep right away. I wonder what tomorrow is going to be like. 


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