Chapter 2

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*thoughts in italics

The bus ride seemed really long. Luhan felt awkward on the bus. He should have because he was sitting right next to Minseok. Luhan and Minseok got bored, and Luhan kind of got a little courage to talk to Minseok and  they decided to watch K-pop videos and fell in love with the music, and they chatted about the groups. This was what started their friendship. Time to time, Luhan would doze off.

Luhan quickly woke back up when he heard Mr. Kyung say, “Okay, students we are here, please go to your assigned dorms, since we are staying the night.” Luhan knew he had to share a room with Minseok. Sehun and his brother D.O. had joined them. Jongdae, Jongin, Kris, and Chanyeol (Jongdae’s younger brother) had roomed in the door next to them.That afternoon, the class visited a museum, when it became 6 at night; everybody left to go to a campfire and gathered around. They sang songs and told scary stories. It was time to go to bed, Luhan and his roommates said bye to the others.

There were two beds in the room and space underneath them to sleep. Luhan slept on the top above Sehun while D.O. slept on the other bed while Minseok was under D.O.’s bed. Luhan always had to sleep in a bed; he could never sleep anywhere else except a bed. Luhan had taken his night time pills for his heart problems, if he didn’t he would be in big trouble.

Late at night, Luhan felt someone lay on his bed with him, he felt cramped. It was Sehun, Sehun decided to hug Luhan in his sleep like Sehun always does and ends up choking Luhan every time. Luhan just decided to go back asleep. 

The next day, Luhan and Minseok chatted and discussed about their English project. Later, months passed by and Luhan and Minseok became friends. Since they had class together, they would always talk when they had a chance. They learned they liked the same things, had some talents like drawing. Later, they ended up always hanging together, Luhan was always at Minseok’s sides.

One day, Luhan had come over to Minseok’s house; he met Minseok’s parents and his brother Baekhyun. Minseok’s parents seemed nice but the look on Minseok’s face said otherwise. Luhan tried his best to be a good friend and talked with Minseok’s parents (even though he rather hang with Minseok), when he wasn’t talking with Minseok’s parents, Minseok was being yelled at by them.

Luhan noticed Baekhyun was a little to close for just meeting him. This boy is freaking me out. Luhan looked at Minseok, he looked annoyed by his brother and kept telling him to get out. Luhan could tell Minseok’s life was a living hell. Luhan would talk to Baekhyun to get him to stop bothering Minseok. You can survive this for Minseok’s sake. Minseok would look at Luhan and wonder why he was always smiling, how can he put up with all of this, Minseok thought. Minseok stared at Luhan for awhile, just studying his body language and facial expressions.

“You know you are a awesome person,” this shocked Minseok a little hearing Luhan speak. It took Minseok a minute to process what Luhan just said, “Huh?”, said Minseok. “You are a pretty good friend, you are like the brother I never had, and this could be my second home” Luhan said. Does he really like it here that much, it’s so horrible here, Minseok thought. “Oh, that’s nice to hear, yeah I feel the same”, Minseok replied. Minseok shifted in his seat and stared at the wall for awhile, “You know as you can see that my life hasn’t been great with my family and all, and I’ve known you for a lot of months now…”, Minseok said. I should tell him. “…and I”, I just can’t tell him right this second, it’s too much for me and will be on him. “..feel like I can talk to you about anything,” Minseok said. “Yeah, I feel the same”, Luhan said with a smile. That smile can melt a heart or make one feel bad or even make one smile.

“Oh, yeah, Jongdae is your boyfriend, right? Luhan asked. I still don’t like Jongdae though, there’s something weird and not right with him, Luhan thought. “Yeah, why?” Minseok looked down and felt upset. “Yeah, he can sometimes act like a boyfriend but he just seems to be like a friend more than a boyfriend”, Minseok said embarrassingly. “Geez, Jongdae is weird sometimes, I swear Suho taught him to act like a jerk, but what does Suho know, I mean I could give him a chance but I don’t know if he would take that chance”, Luhan said. Suho is why my life is living hell right now.

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