Chapter 7 Part 1

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"Luhan?" Minseok said as his eyes widened. Still at the closet, Minseok realized Luhan was not moving. "Um.....Luhan?" Minseok questioned. Minseok's hands shook Luhan's shoulders. Luhan did not move, only rocked, he was stiff. "Luhan stop playing around and do not joke around" Minseok said. Minseok tried everything to get Luhan to move, but to no avail. Ok, so not a joke............He must be frozen, Minseok thought. Minseok looked at Luhan. Well, he is not frozen by ice, Minseok thought. The bell suddenly rang. "What time is it?" Minseok said. Minseok looked at the class clock. It read '11:40'. "Wait, but lunch ends at 12:00" Minseok said. Minseok looked down at his own watch , it read '12:01'. Minseok took a double take at the class clock and his own watch. "Wait a minute" Minseok said as he thought for a minute. "Frozen. Time stopped.....TIME CONTROL!!" Minseok said loudly as he figured it out. Zitao, Minseok thought. "ZITAO!!!" Minseok yelled. Minseok decided to go find Zitao. Minseok closed thecloset doors and knew another class won't be in there for next period. Minseok stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door. 


Minseok walked down the hall angrily. Minseok spotted Zitao at the water fountain. Minseok grabbed Zitao by back of the neck and pushed him down, making Zitao lean over the fountain, head next to the water spout. "Don't make me freeze this water on your face, Zitao, and don't make me kill you" Minseok said as he pushed the button on the water fountain. Zitao's head was now drenched with water. "Unfreeze, Luhan, now you monster" Minseok said. Zitao smirked. "You can't kill me Minseok, or you'll never get Luhan back if I'm dead. But despite this little dispute, I'll make you a deal instead, since I like you," Zitao said calmly with a smirk still plastered on his face. Minseok released Zitao, as Zitao stood up from just falling to the ground and shook the water off his head. 


"Wait... What? You like me?" Minseok asked. "Yes" Zitao said. Minseok thought a second. "What's the deal then?" Minseok asked with his eyebrow cocked up. "Well, I will unfreeze Luhan, if you stay away from Luhan and Jongdae, and be with me, and if you don't, I'll will freeze him again but kill him after" Zitao said with a stern look. Minseok thought for a minute. Minseok had to do this, do it for Luhan, even though he didn't want to be away from Luhan, or didn't want to do this, he didn't like Zitao. "Fine, now go unfreeze him" Minseok said dragging Zitao to the classroom. Minseok waited outside the door, as Zitao went in and opened the closet doors. Zitao then snapped his fingers, Luhan was now unfrozen. Zitao closed the door on Luhan, and walked out of the classroom and dragged Minseok away before Luhan could open the closet door and see them leaving. 


Luhan was stunned as he pushed the closet door open. Luhan hopped out and wondered why he was in there. Luhan forgot that Zitao froze him and thought he was playing hide and seek. Luhan decided to leave the classroom since he looked at the clock and saw the time. Luhan rushed out of the class grabbing his bag and books where he left them. Luhan ran as fast as he could so he wouldn't be late to his yearbook class, or Mr. Yu Kwon would kill him for being late. Mr. Yu Kwon is very strict, is a hard grader, don't like mistakes, clearly sets standards and even has his favorites, which Luhan is not, but thinks he is not bad, well yeah, maybe he is lazy at some assignments and nicpicked for his designs which others think is really good and creative but Mr. Yu Kwon will give him bad grades and stresses Luhan out. 


Photo Journalism aka Yearbook went the same, hating Mr. Yu Kwon since the teacher hated Luhan, uploading a massive load of pictures, writing stories and captions to a very hard extent which Luhan is not the best at writing but better at computer and art stuff, but Mr. Yu Kwon fails Luhan for his designs, which are perfect, and then turn it in, and asks for Luhan to change things, which he does but then the teacher ends up doing the whole spread over again himself and gives Luhan a bad grade, but Mr. Yu Kwon does that to everybody, but only fails three students, because he hates them when they are the best students there, interviewing students, doing more layouts, turning in assignments for deadlines which are very short, and trying to get other things done being a senior it's very stressful on ones life. Finally, the bell rang and class ended, but Luhan always gets stopped after class and is always bombarded with questions and expectations, and too much stress coming from just one class, it's like a job but with a crazy, journalist/english teacher, and even a professor as a boss. Luhan was finally able to go to his next class and he walked in the hallway with his back hunched over. Luhan looked up and noticed Minseok. Luhan wanted to see Minseok so bad after all that stress. 


Luhan ran to Minseok. "Hey.....Minseok, what's up? I missed you...Gosh my teacher is...." Luhan was saying as he was about to touch Minseok's shoulder. But the shoulder that Luhan was trying to find wasn't there anymore. Luhan looked up and saw Zitao pulling Minseok away. Minseok was looking back at Luhan with sad eyes. Minseok and Zitao disappeared down the hall. What the heck was that! I wanted to talk to my Minnie!!!, Luhan thought. Luhan looked shocked. Luhan wondered what that was about. 


Luhan decided to go find Jongdae and ask him if there was anything weird happening with Minseok. Luhan walked down the hallway and walked to the swimming pool where he knew Jongdae was practing for his swim team.


"JONGDAE!!......I need to speak with you.." Luhan said busting into the pool area. 


Hey guys sorry about not updating but there you guys go... sorry its so short but havent had time to write alot of it and keep blanking out how to write parts, so i decided to break this chapter into parts.... so this is the first part....sorry   Miyanhe~~~~~anyways hope you enjoy ill try and write the 2nd part soon but i have only three days of school left so yeah......   please commentttttt

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