Chapter 1 - Lance X Keith story that might be continued?

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[Lance's POV]

Coran just called us in to eat. I'm not looking forward to eating that green goo again.

"Hey, Lance!" A cheerful Pidge smiles at me.

"Hey, Pidge," I reply.

"I wanted to know, is there any major difference between the Blue lion and the Red lion?" She asks.

"Red's definitely faster, but we don't connect as much as Blue and I did..." I force a smile, "But I'm sure I'll get the hang of Red soon enough."

"You can try." Keith walked in the room making fun of me, as per usual.

"And I will! I'm awesome." I say flexing.

"Lance please just eat. I do not want any arguing tonight." Allura casually says from her seat at the head of the table.

"Sorry..." I mumble.

"Who's ready for dinner!?" Coran comes in with his piles of goo in hand. Gross. Just what I need, that stuff making my stomach worse than it already is...

"Coran, I can make the goo taste better if you would just let me." Hunk wined from his seat at the table.

"Hunk! I have told you that this goo is an Altaen delicacy. You should not judge it because of its color, or looks." Coran said in his all too important, self-assured voice.

"But human food is just tastier..." Hunk mumbled.

"Enjoy!" Coran throws his arms in the air after setting down the last plate. I watch as everyone starts eating, debating if I should eat or not.

"Earth to Lance!" Pidge pokes me from across the table with a fork, "You in there?"

"Huh?" I look up, coming out of my trance.

"You okay man?" Asks a very concerned Hunk, while he shovels the goo into his mouth.

"Yeah, just not hungry." I lie.

"Alright," Hunk says as he finishes off his plate.

"I'm going to go hit the training deck," I say standing up and walking out.

I walk over to the training room and start level one. Keith has been practicing a lot, I don't want to fall too far behind...


I'm sitting in the lounge area spacing out. I have my arms across the back of the couch, staring at the ceiling when Shiro walks in.

"Hey Lance," Shiro says sitting down on the other side of the curved couch.

"Oh hey Shiro," I say not looking away from the ceiling.

"Are you okay? You have been kind of spacey lately."

"Yeah, I'm totally fine." I lie.

"You sure?"

"I'm just tired."

"You know I'm always here for you if you want to talk about anything."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks."

"So how are things with the Red lion?"

"Red's fast. I feel so free when I'm in her. Just a burst of adrenaline, you know?"

"No, actually. But I'm happy for you. After what happened with the Blue lion, I was worried you'd feel different. Even if you were accepted by the red lion."

"I definitely miss Blue, but Allura has progressed so much with her."

"She has... it's amazing how far she has come."

"How are you doing with, Ya know..."

"I'm okay. I mean, being rejected wasn't a great thing... but I'm happy for Keith. I am so proud of how much he has grown since I came back." Shiro grins.

"He's a good leader... but-"

"Hey, guys!" Allura walks into the lounge with her mouse friends on her shoulder.

"Hi, Princess." A smiling Shiro says as Allura sits next to him.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Just the lions," I say forcing a smile.

"And how much you have improved in the blue lion, Allura," Shiro says.

"Aww, thank you both." Allura grins from ear to ear. I see she and blue have been getting close, good for her. I guess...

Author's note: Hey all! Thank you for reading my first chapter! It means so much to me! The story will become better as you go on. I promos! I have an idea that will make this more interesting. Thanks for reading!

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