Chapter 16

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Kat's Pov

I glare at the back of Alex's head while he drove us out of Grey's neighbourhood. I was still pissed of with him about the fuss he made when he saw Olly grab my arm. I never said that I'd be his mate & we had an argument about it. I hate it when we argue. Wait. I shouldn't care. Ugh. What is this guy doing to me?

'Nothing that you don't like hon. The problem is what the guy hasn't done to you yet..' My wolf comments.

'I didn't ask your opinion! I already know you wanna do unspeakable things with him!' I reply, annoyed that she is kinda right.

30 minutes later
We arrived at Alex's house and I got out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride. We're going back to the motel now. Thanks again." I told Ryder. I still wasn't speaking to Alex.

"You're not going anywhere. You're staying here with me," Alex ordered.

I'm gonna have to break my silent treatment rule for just a while: "I'm not staying anywhere near you. I'm going back to the motel. Come on Olly." Before I could go anywhere Alex grabbed my arm and gripped on it tightly.

"I said, you're not going anywhere. Especially if you were going to be staying with him." he glared at Olly.

I couldn't get out of his vice-like grip and the expression on his face could only be described as scary. Not many things scare me but the look on his face was not something you wanted to mess with.

I sighed and agreed to stay with him as long as he stopped being so annoying. He reluctantly agreed. It seems one of his hobbies was pissing me off. Jerk.

Ryder's Pov

Olly and I watched as Kat stomped off into the house while Alex muttered curses under his breath. He followed her, calling out, "Do you even know where you're going?"

Olly looked at me, amused, while I just shrugged. There's been way too much drama today for me to keep up with. I told Ollie to follow me into the house. Chase was in the kitchen & he greeted us.
"Do you guys want something to eat?"
I nodded my head as Ollie said, "Thanks man! I'm starving."

Ten minutes later and Ollie and Chase were both eating their third sandwhich. Hell, how do they eat that much in a few minutes? I voiced my thoughts and Chase's reply was, "Dude. 'M a mafn. Neef to eat a lot. Pluff, you've gotta luf the mumph who infented food." I just shook my head at his muffled words.

"I'm gonna go check on Al. You make friends with Ollie." They both rolled their eyes and kept on eating. I walked out of the room, muttering "Loonies". Olly threw a piece of tomato at my head and I ducked just in time. I grinned and looked back, "Suckers!" Life can be good. Real good.

Author's note: Kinda IMPORTANT
Hi! How're you liking it so far?? Please please comment/vote! I'd really love it if you did!

Also it's kinda annoying to keep on writing 'authors note' so if you see squiggly lines like: ~~~~ then it means it's me. :D

Btw, the house that they're in right now is like a private house (in Greece) So the only people living there is Alex, Ryder, Chase and now Olly & Kat. It's different to the pack house which is a different house. If you get what I mean. :D

I just wanted to clear that up. 8)
Ps. Alex doesn't live in the pack house. Actually, the pack house is just a place for all of the pack to meet. Based in America) Basically, the pack lives in the same town (in America, not Greece) but in different houses. So Alex has his own house in America. But in the same town/area.


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