A Day In The Mansion

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Scar Pov:

I had to admit that Shiro was doing quite well for his first time hosting. And to be hones I was really having fun hosting with him. We were completely winging it and just going with eachother's flow.

Shiro hugged a girl around the waist and she squealed. I smirked. "Girls, do you like him so much that you'd forget about me?" I asked flicking my hair back.

'Damn, I feel like I need a camera, some water, and a camera. I need to shoot one of those 'What-You-See-And-What's-Really-Going-On' videos.' I thought.

(If you don't know what that is I'll put a video in the comments. All you need to watch is the first few minutes of the video. Unless you wanna listen to the song and comments. And yes, for those who watched the sing-off, it is filharmonic before their One More Night performance. For those of you who like the song, then look up Happy Filharmonic. And yes, it's all A Capealla!)  

"No!!" A few girls squealed, two even rushing towards me to pull me into a hug. I hugged them back receiving some squeals.

"Ladies, I'm afraid that the host club is now closed. But if you book an appointment online I'm sure that we can fit you in for tomorrow." Kyoya said. The girls squealed before leaving.

"You really do this almost everyday?" Shiro asked sounding exhausted. I nodded. "You get used to it."

"Hey, Scar. Haruhi." The twins spoke sounding devious.

"Huh?" Haruhi and I chorused.

"We are going to your house today. No if's-" Hikaru began.

"And's or but's. We're going. All of us." Kaoru finished.

Haruhi and I sighed. There was no way we were getting out of this one.

"Alright come on." Kyoya called a limo which he told us would arrive in five minutes.

When it did arrive Shiro was telling his mom that he would be home late.

We walked down the staircase and the guys hopped into the limo while Haruhi and I talked to the driver.

"Follow the silver Lamborghini Concept." The driver nodded and Haruhi and I ran around the block to my car. I unlocked and our bags were thrown into the trunk.

I turned on the engine and we buckled up. "Ready?" Haruhi nodded.

I quickly drove around the block and stopped in front of the limo making sure he saw the car before leaving.

Normally I'd drive faster but since someone was following us, I had to slow down considerably, much to Haruhi's slight ire.

"You know, normally I'd complain about your little 'Need for speed' but I'm currently missing it."

I laughed at her. "Told you so."

We arrived at my mansion in 30 minutes which was 25 minutes slower than usual.

The mansion that I lived in was quite large, but then again every house on this street was large, we just had the biggest house. However I'm not complaining. Our friends could stay over and we a whole lot of things to do to keep us occupied. Even though we had a hell of a lot of extra space. (The mansion is to the side)

I got our along with Haruhi and we grabbed our bags. A Valet went to park my car and the host club climbed out of the limo, which drove off after everyone was standing on solid ground.

"Whoa!" The tins gasped.

"I know. Come on in."

Honey Pov:

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