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A/N: excuse my book cover for I aint got time to make one. :D hahaha or if anyone can make me one. Please????? On the other side, this is the LAST book of the Nu'est series. Yeeeey!!!! Enjoy. Xx expect late and lame updates. xx

"I hate school." I grunted, as I placed the tray with my food on the table. School is just synonym to hell and anxiety. Soojung, a friend slash classmate of mine was staring at me, weirdly. "What?" I raised my brow.

She tsk-ed, as she sat just infront of me. "You hate school, but you're still here. I hate your logic."

"As if I had a choice, 'no?" I rolled my eyes. I had no choice. Of course, I have to go to school. I don't want to disappoint my parents, and my brother, on top of that. I don't want to be a disappointment to my family. I can't. I was born to succeed. All my life, I was told that I was born to be great and succeed, no matter what. I, Kang Raina, was born to succeed.

"You know what, why don't you tell your brother that you actually wanted to become an idol. Duh, easy! Since your brother Baekho is a CEO of one of the biggest entertainment companies in the coutry." She said, as a matter of fact.

"That's easy for you to say, because you aren't in my situation." I crinkled my nose. I would if I could.

"You're hella complicated." She rolled her eyes. I nodded. I know. And if I'll be born again, I don't want to live as myself. "Let's just play something. I'm bored." She said, taking a huge bite of her burger.

"What? If you're thinking anything weird right now. I'm telling you, Soojung, don't ever try." I warned her. The last time we played game, we almost got ourselves in jail. Like who dares to go to a night club, only to witness a drug raid there.

"You got no jam, Raina."

"Whatever you say, bij." She mumbled.

"I heard that." I rolled my eyes. You know the feeling of wondering how you got friend with a certain person? Cause that's definitely me right now.

"You're supposed to hear it anyway." She rolled her eyes. "So anyway, back to our game." She grinned.

"What is it this time, Soojung?"

"Truth or dare?" She asked.

Duh. "Can't you think of any more creative game than this?"

"What? You said you don't want to get in trouble. Duh, bij, where's your logic?" She harshly said and I chuckled. She is too harsh, but that's fine. "Okay. Let me rephrase it. Dare or dare?"

I laughed. "Maybe I should be the one to say that you got no jams. What the hell is this game?"

She rolled her eyes. Doesn't her eyes hurt or tired from too much rolling? "Just answer."

"Fine, Dare." She grinned, evily. And that's when I know that something is going on with her. "What's the catch?"

She continues to grin and let out a chuckle to herself. "You see that guy over there?" She asked, as she pointed someone a half meter away from us using her lips, "the guy with a girl in the pink checkered sleeves and a I supposed younger boy in a black shirt he's talking to?

I nodded. "What about them?"

"I need you to act like you're that guy's girlfriend."

I sputtered. "What?!"

"What?" She mimicked. "Easy, right? No police, no raids. Don't worry, Miss Goody Goddy, this is just a piece of a cake dare."

But it isn't! What is she expecting me to do? To approach some stranger and act like that stranger's girlfriend? Seriously?

I was glaring at her. But she was just laughing her ass off, totally amused with my misery.

I rose up to my feet and walked to that guy's table. I sucked in a deep breathe and plastered a sweet smile. Why am I even doing this thing?

"Hi, baby!" I called, clinging onto the stranger's arm. Where the hell this confidence came from?

"What the f - "

"You should've told me you're out with someone. You missed me?" I asked, cutting him off. He was looking at me disgustingly, as if I was a bitch. Damn you, Soojung for making me look like one, bij.


Oh my, God. Is she this guy's girlfriend? Oh my, God. Fuck!

I was about to say sorry, and it was prank, when the girl suddenly stood up from his seat and slap this guy's cheek. Geez, that hurts.

"Let's go, Seungyoon." She said, grabbing the younger boy's hand. "And to the both of you, well, fuck you!!"

I was looking at Soojung. I needed help, but it looks like she didn't know what to do too. Her mouth was in agape. We weren't expecting this kind of scene. I thought they were just friends. They don't look like lovers to me.

"Wait, Sena, let me explain!" The guy called, but the girl was deaf to hear him plead.

I was feeling guilty. Did I just ruin a relationship?

The guy glared at me. His face was so read. He was mad. "YOU! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO???"

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