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I was expecting Aron to be rich kiddo, but what I did not expect was he is actually freaking rich to be owning a Ferrari pininfarina Sergio - a $3 million worth of car. He's fucking rich. "You've got a nice car."

He chuckled. "Thanks. But isn't the owner nice too?"

I crinkled my nose and stayed silent. You wish. But heol, this is my dream car and I'm finally ridding one.

"You look happy." He said, as he tries to take a snap of glance of me.

I smiled. "This is my dream car."

"Oh really?"

I nodded.

"Why don't you ask your dad or brother to buy you one?" He asked.

"I'm not in good terms with my dad though." I cleared my throat, and stared at the views we passed by as he drives. It was fine, at first, even when my mom and dad separated. We don't constantly talk but we were fine. There were no bad blood between us. But then it started when my Dad fucked and married Baekho's girlfriend. I didn't even know how it happened, but after that, everything was already a mess. "My brother and I aren't in good terms with him, and I'm not a spoiled brat, I'll have it someday because I know I worked hard for it."

"You're like your brother." He said.

"I get that a lot." I smiled. "I saw how my Brother started his business from scratch. I saw him shed blood and tears and I saw him how hard he worked for everything he have now. And that's the main reason why, I don't want to disappoint him." And I don't want to disappoint my mom too. They are also the main reason why I badly want to finish my studies and helped with the business.

I saw Aron smiled at my peripheral vision. "I can't hate you, Raina." He chukled, but I saw the glint of tears in his eyes. "I want to hate you for you're the reason why we broke up, but hearing you say things like this, changes the way I see you." He parks the car smoothly, and then stares at me. "You're not like any other girl, who are spoiled brats and know nothing about working hard. Your thoughts are too deep and they're pulling me in."

THEN WE CAME at the shop. They took my measurements and I met the other bridesmaid for the wedding as well.

I decided to go out for a walk, since I still can't go home, my brother texted me to wait for him. I was looking for something fun, though I was told by Aron not go anywhere and wait for him. I needed to take a damn fresh air. I needed to be away from him, damn, He is annoying as hell.

"I told you to stay at place where I can see you." Said Aron, who almost killed me with heart attack.

"Jesus christ, Aron, I almost died! Stop popping out of nowhere!" I hissed. "And besides, stop tailing me."

"Your brother asked me to look after you." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I can look after myself. Just please, leave me alone."

"That's not gonna happen."

"Why not?" I retort. "If you aren't leaving, then I'll be the one to leave." Then I went inside again. He doesn't need to do what my Brother asked him to do, I can manage myself, but he was so persistent in following me and its making my blood boil in anger. "Can you, for once, stop being annoying? I'd totally appreciate that."

He shook his head, and pouts. "I am not annoying."

"You are." I rolled my eyes. "Stop pouting, you looked stupid." I passed by him and settled my self on the couch. Minutes later, Yeri unnie came and I was thankful she came, just in time to save me from Aron's, who left to buy a coffee for himself.

"I think he likes you." The first thing Yeri unnie said, when Aron left.

"What? Who?" Bewildered, I ask.

She chuckled. "I mean, I think that Aron guy likes you."

I laughed. "Unnie, you've got to be kidding me." Aron isn't that bad actually. He is undeniably good looking and if he wasn't annoying, I think I'd like him. But too bad, he is super annoying. "Anyway, you came here alone, unnie?"

"I'm not kidding, Raina." She continue to say, or should I say tease me. "And no, I'm with a friend, she's still outside though."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, unnie." I grin.

"Trust me, He does." She proudly said.

I made a face. He just likes to bother me and that's it. I was about to answer when Yeri unnie's phone rings. She excused herself then.

I went out of the shop after grabbing my bag. Yeri unnie was busy talking to someone on the phone and I think it was urgent, so I'll just sent her a message that I'll going home.

And I wonder what took Aron for so long? The cafe is just two to three meters away from here though. I was grinning like a fool when I saw him from where I was standing. But my smile was easily wiped off from my face when I saw that he isn't alone.

"Sena please, listen to me."

"Aron, we're done. What do you want?"

"I'm not yet done with you. I love you still."

"Then you shouldn't have cheated on me."

"I told you I don't know who that girl was. Please give me a chance! One more chance, please? I don't want to lose you. I love you so much."

With a heavy heart, I turned my back and walked on the other way, hailed a taxi and poured my heart out.

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