Chapter Fore

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So Dang Cute❤😭😍

Caleb POV

We walked into class and sat at our normal seats we usually sit at Teo then walked in and everybody stopped doing what they doing and looked at him girls were giving him 😍 eyes I just rolled my eyes and laughed the teacher then told us we have a new student and she needs someone to guide him almost all the girls besides Mimi and a few boys stuck there hands in the air he then looked at Mimi as I did the same and back at the teacher the teacher then called Mimi name and she raised her head up.

Mimi POV

When Ms.Smith called me I was so shocked I didnt even raise my hand I was already trying to avoid this but I guess I have to do it know even tho I don't want to cause I don't like talking the only people I'm comfortable talking to is Caleb and JJ other than that I'm a mess when it come to talking to other people.

"Ms.Minnie Is That Okay With You?" The Teacher Asked Me.

"U-uh uh y-yes I guess so" I said lawd knows I wanted to say no but that would of looked so mean and I hate being ugly to people.

"Okay then good Mr.Bowles you can go have a seat next to Ms.Minnie over there" the teacher said to Teo.

All through class all I could think about is my baby brother and how I missed him so much his the only thing I have left thats really family to me I don't know what I'll do if I had to lose him he always makes me smile when I see him and even tho he can't understand me I always talk to him about my feelings and problems his my everything and I would protect him with all my might.

As I was deep in my thoughts the whole time I felt like someone was starring at me so I looked around and it was Teo he really made me uncomfortable so I looked the other way but then I caught Caleb also starring at me so I mouthed "What" but he just kept on starring at me the bell rang I quickly stood up ready to leave but the teacher called me making me nervous.I walked up to her desk with my head low.

"Yes Ms.Smith" I said lowly

"Ahh yes Ms.Minnie I would like you to do me a favor" she said to me I just stood there quite.

"Would you please tutor Mateo so he could understand and be up to date with his work if it isn't much to ask" she said looking me directly in my eyes and smiling at me.

"Uh uh i-i c-okay" I said softly

"Great Thank You Deary" she said stilling brightly at me so I smiled a little back.

I then left class for my next class which was dance I love dancing it makes me feel free like there's no worry in the world.

I walked into class a little late due to Ms.Smith and everybody stopped stretching and looked at me I then quickly walked in and put my book bag down and walked to my spot and started stretching feeling a tap on my shoulder I turned around and saw Teo smiling at me.

"So you dance to huh" I asked me smirking a lil bit

"y-yeah" I said then turned around and went back to stretching.

The dance teacher then showed us the choreo again because some kids forgot and some where new to this class.I did the choreo again with the rest of the class although I already know all the moves the music then started playing closing my eyes I did all the steps to no limit by usher & young thug.When I open my eyes I saw everybody looking at me so I got a little nervous what did I do did I do something wrong perhaps I was then knocked out of my thoughts with the sound of clapping and cheering I stood confused.

"Hey what's your name sweedy" asked my dance teacher Mr.Luscious

"M-Mimi my n-name is Mimi" I said softly but loud enough for them to hear.

"Well Mimi you are really good I'm impressed by the way you move and do the moves."

"Uh Th-Thank You Sir" I said looking down feeling shy and uncomfortable that everyone was now looking at me.

The class went on for a few more minutes before the bell rang for lunch time my favourite cause I get to eat I love eating but I ain't fat I guess it's true skinny girls do eat alot I got a addiction to anything with chocolate honestly.

I walked into the cafeteria and went to order my food I got a chicken taco,some green salad a apple lemon juice and for dessert a chocolate cake yeah I definitely love eating😂.I then walked to my table I usually sit at and then Caleb come to come sit down by me.

"So I found a way to make it up to you for us not spending alot of time together" he said smiling at me.

"It's okay you don't really have to" I said playing with my salad.

"Naw I want to I gots to use my babygirl my sister my bestfriend ill do anything for you" he said looking into my eyes.

"I know I love you too" I said kissing his cheek. "Now how you gonna make it up to me again" I said smiling real hard only he can make me do that.

"Imma come sleep over at yo crib and then tomorrow afternoon ill take you and JJ out for the day I already got some money saved my pops gave me and from me helping people with there choirs and shit" he said to me.

"You know you don't have to I got money ya kno" I said to him.

"Yeah but I likes to take care of my babygirl so just let me a'ight" he said looking at me.

"A'ight" I said hugging him then Teo come over and sat down.

"Suup" he said as he sitted then took a bite of his apple.

"Nun much you" caleb said looking at him.

"Naw nun" he said uhm yeah Mimi is it okay if you can like tutor me later you can come to my house he said looking at me.

"I have to take care of my brother I don't like being away from him too long" I said eating alittle of my salad I guess I'm not in a eating mood today.

"Oh" was all he said "Can I come over to yo house then" he said after a couple of minutes I turned and looked at Caleb and he looked at me and then Teo.

"Yeah I guess you can come" I said in my natural soft shy voice.

He smiled "okay so I'm walking home with you A'ight" he said took me

"Okay" I said finishing my juice.

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