Chapter 10

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I walked into Junior room to wake him up and he didn't want to wake up yet so I left him to sleep so long I went into his bathroom and filled his tub with lukewarm water I then put in some of his favourite bubble bath and his toys I walked out and tried again.

"Come on now baby wake up for Mimi pwease" I beg him so he could wake up.

He batted his eyes and sat up he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Where we going Mommy" he said in a sleepy tone.

Since Junior grew up without a mother he sometimes calls Mimi Mommy and she let's him because his alittle to young to understand yet.

"You going to Candice and Ms.Myer house and I'm going to school" I say picking him up and taking him in the bathroom.

"Are yew going to come fwtch me Mommy"he asks me because last time I had alot to do and I come late and he was crying thinking I forgot him and I ain't finna come get him.

"Yes baby I'm finna come fetch you I promise okay just be good to Candice okay" I say putting him in the bath and began washing him.

"Otay Mommy I prwomise" he said playing with his toys.

After I was done washing him I picked him up and dried him off I put on his baby lotion and powder and then I put on his diaper.

I put on this outfit

I then put on his socks and then his j's

I put on some olive oil on his hair and I start combing it out I felt it just like it is in a curly afro.I took out his lil tooth brash and put his baby toothpaste on it then helped him to brash his teeth.

I walked into his bathroom and started cleaning up , after I cleaned I washed my hands and went downstairs seeing JJ watching sponge bob I walk into the kitchen and made us some breakfast I made toast scramble eggs bacon and sausages I then made our plates and then made juniors lunch pack for daycare.I put in a McDonald kids burger,his nuggets,a fruit cup and a juice box.

I call junior and tell him breakfast is ready and he comes running in and I sit him in the chair then I sit down we said grace then ate after we was finished I put the plates in the dishwasher and grabbed my bookbag that I had packed ready the night before and put Junior's bookbag on my shoulder and walked out the door closing and locking it.

Me and Junior claimed in I buckled him down then started the car driving to the daycare after a few minutes I dropped Junior of and drove to school.As I enter school premises I park on my usual parking spot claimed out my car closing and locking it.I walked into school and to my locker to put my things in it and then I see Didi waiting in front of my locker.

"Hey booboo" Didi says as I walk up to her.

"Hey bubs" I say giving her a hug and she hugs back.

"So you finna spend the day after school today babe" asked Didi.

"Sure what you wanna do bae" I asked her.

"How bout we go shopping Me , You and Junior" she said.

Sounds like a plan I have to buy him some new things anyway I said to Didi.

^^^Time Skip After School^^^

I picked up JJ and we head to the mall now to meet up with Didi as we driving XO tour lif3 by LilUzi came on and Junior immediately started singing this is his favourite song.

Junior Singing

I don't weally care wthat you crwy
I kno you shoulda never lwie
Saw the way she wook me in the eye
She said baby I'm not afraid to die
Pwush me to the egde all my fwends

Are dead pwush me to the edge all my fwends are dead yuh all my friends are dead yuh. . .

I looked in the mirror and and at how cute he is and trying to pronounce the words I swear he so cute sumtimes I just wanna eat him up

We finally pulled up to the mall and I tried to find a parking spot and just when I saw one this lil bitch gone take it like wtf I was just finna park there hoe but not trying to spoil my day and go off infront of Junior I found another parking spot I parked claimed out and got junior out I grabbed all my stuff and his lil backpack and locked the car , I held Junior's hand and we walked into the mall.

"So where you wanna go first baby" I asked Junior

THE TOY STORE! He said really excited I laughed and we walked over to the toy store.

When we got there Junior started going crazy grabbing remote control toy cars and action figures and some superman story books and things like that I just laughed at how funny and cute he is.

He got everything and we walked to checkout I put the stuff on that move'y thingy  (y'all kno what I'm talking about right? Cause I don't know it's name)

That'll be $56.76 that lady said smiling at me

"Here you go" I say giving her $60

"Awww his so cute is he yours" she squealed

"No his my baby brother" I said looking at Junior.

"Well his really cute" she says handing me the change

"Thank You and no please keep the change"

"Thank you , you such a nice young lady"

"Aww thank you" I said then grabbed the bags and head out the store.

"Mommy can we go to foodwocker"

"Okay baby" I said laughing alittle under my breath.

We walked into footlocker and I looked through the sneakers I grabbed a pair of space jams and some all black retro's

"Mommy can I have that" Junior asked pointing at some Red , Black and White 12's.

"Sure baby want anything else"

He then grabbed space jams matching mine and some 6's.

We got our sizes and went to go pay as i walked out the store I accidentally bumped into some guy with blue dreads and some of the bags fell out my hands.

"I'm so sorry sir" I say bending down and picking up some of my bags.

"It's alright ma let me help you" the guy said bending down and giving me my bags

"Thank You" I say taking in all the guys features

"Are you otay mommy" Junior asked from me starring so long at the guy trying to figure out where I saw him before.

"Yeah I'm fine baby sorry let's go" I said

I said sorry to the guy for what happened and thanked him for helping me then went on with Junior.

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