Danisnotonfire #3

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A/N I should really stop making these for Olivia...

You lay on top of Dan in the waiting room behind the stage at SITC. You've been dating for ages and today marked your 2 year anniversary. You were going out in the evening, but Dan had to do this performance with Phil - it breaks his heart to disappoint his fans. Phil walks in and starts talking to Dan about preparations for the show and you see no point in being here as they're on in about ten minutes. You give your boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek and tell him you're gonna grab a front row view. You give both of them your wishes and head into the stage area (AN sorry I really don't know what to call it).

Since there's still a while before they start to preform there is only a few girls taking up the seats in the room. You find an empty seat which has an amazing view of the stage so you go and sit there. As you sit down you think about how nervous Dan looked backstage. In all the years you've known him he'd never looked that scared and it worried you. But you didn't want to stress him anymore so you kept the thought to yourself. You'd zoned out so long you didn't realise the room fill up around you. The place was packed to the brim. This isn't good, you thought, oh, nononononono. You had social anxiety and being in the crowd was making you feel like you were going into a panic attack - even though you were at the front.

You see the two boys that changed your life so much waltz onto stage and seeing Dan smile at you in the crowd made all your worries melt away. As cheesy as it may sound, you love Dan with all your heart and sometimes you get scared that he'll find someone prettier, younger, smarter and funnier than you. But no, everyday you walk into the apartment you share with Dan and Phil to be greeting with hugs and kisses and it makes you feel so good.

Their performance is a blast and it passes so quickly. They share some witty banter (A/N don't judge), call up some unsuspecting fans and generally have a good time. Their time is nearly up when they walk off stage. This shocks everyone, including yourself. You know they like to make dramatic exits, but this isn't something they'd generally do. After minutes of confusion, you see Dan and Phil come on stage in tuxedos and damn, did Dan look hot. Soon after, you see some of their Youtube friends come on in suites as well. - no seriously, even the girls were in suites. These people included Chris, Pj, Carrie, Charlie, Emma, Cat and Alex. Now you were really confused. The Youtubers faced the back wall in a V formation and the backing track to Good Morning Sunshine blasts out through the speakers. Alex started singing the first verse and you were surprised at how his voice was the same live.

But what happened next shocked you the most. Each Youtuber sung their own verse and they all seemed to be singing at you. Well everyone but Dan sung, but this doesn't surprise you as he was always shy about singing infront of others. He has such an amazing voice, you don't know why he always wants to hide it. Everyone (apart from Dan who was staring intently at you) sung the last few words Just for the chance, to stand in your light. Good Morning Sunshine. The song ended and the boy you had fallen so hard for walked off the stage, grabbed your hand and led you back on. His hand that is usually so steady was shaking very badly. Him being scared made you feel scared and  when you stood on stage you could feel everyone watching you.

You and Dan stood infront of everyone else as he pulled out a little navy blue velvet box from the inside pocket of his blazer and got down on one knee. Cheers of happiness spread throughout the room. He opened the box and said,

"Y/N, you know I've never been one for speeches or preparing them for that matter -  so I'm gonna wing it," He said, stumbling over his words as everyone gave a light chuckle at his joke. " But I love you so fricken much and when I first laid eyes on you I knew you had to be mine." By now tears were streaming down your face. "When you agreed to be my girlfriend, I was ecstatic. I remember thinking, how did I end up with a girl so perfect even her imperfections are works of art. I mean, I am just plain old Dan Howell. The college drop-out who occasionally talks to a camera. I love you so much and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you until we're old and wrinkly and have 10 babies. But I did end up with you- and just to show you how much I love you, I'm going to say the words that my life have been leading up to. Y/F/N Y/L/N, may I have the honer of calling you my wife?" He finishes. You stay silent for a while as it all comes crashing down on you. You love this man, this adorkable, amazing, perfect manchild. And you do want to marry him.

"Y/N?" Dan asks, tears threatening to spill. "Y/N, please say something." He says worriedly.

"Yes."You manage to squeak out, only to realise he hadn't heard you. "Yes, Daniel James Howell, I will marry you." You say loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone starts cheering and congratulating the new couple and Dan picks you up and spins you around. 

Later on that night you went to dinner and spent your first night together knowing that you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. And even though the thought still daunted you, you knew that through all the ups and downs, you would make it through to the end.

A/N OMFG I DID IT. 1029 FUCKING WORDS. I hope your happy Olivia. Anyways that was an idea my friend Olivia had and I sorta bought it to life. I'm proud. Well, ta!

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