Danisnotonfire #4

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A/N about not uploading for 10000 years, yeah up sorry about that...

You smile down at the 6 month bundle of joy in your arms. She lets out a small gurgle as you pull her closer to you. Phil agreed to let you and Dan have a bit of space whilst you two look for a new apartment or house - the middle of Islington isn't exactly the most ideal place for a baby to grow up. You feel bad about leaving Phil on his own, but Pj's thinking about moving in instead of buying his own place, so at least he won't burn the house down by melting a cheesecake in the oven.

Words float through the walls from Dan's room, but they're too loud for him to be talking to himself. Infact, they're so loud they might wake the baby up. So you put your bundle of joy into her cot and go next door to tell him to shut up. You trudge down the hallway and rest your hand on the doorknob as you pause to listen to what Dan is actually saying. From what you can hear, he's talking about you and the baby.

As you listen carefully you hear him say, "So... We named her Nirvana. Yeah, yeah; I know what you're thinking. But you know what - I don't care. I think it's a pretty cool name - plus it makes Y/N happy so..." That last comment makes your heart swell. You're so caught up in listening to him that you forgot why you were there listening to him in the first place. So you turn the doorknob and step into his fairly clean room. Your breath hitches at the sight of his messy 'hobbit hair'. And as self-centred as it may sound, you love the way he's in love with you. You love the way his pupils dilate at the mere sight of you, you love the way you can make his pulse quicken just by laying your head on his chest. These things make you utterly in love with him.

You snap out of your daze and say, "Dan, can you shut up please? You're gonna wake the little llama." He seems to snap out of his own gaze as he replies with, "Oh God, sorry. Umm, I'll be quieter okay? And, uh, bring her in here when she wakes up - the world needs to see how beautiful she is, just like her mother." You blush and mutter an ok as you leave the room. After 3 years of knowing that dork, be can still make your heart race and your cheeks flush. And that is why you love Dan, stupid, posh, terribly hot Dan.

A/N I should really stop uploading fluff - I'm so bad at it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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