VIII - Catching Up

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Anakin sat in his speeder, on his way to the med centre. He couldn't believe what had just happened, it had felt so unreal... And Leia had said that– but how in the Galaxy was it not his fault!? He just wanted to get to Padmé, bring her home and talk to her.

"What am I going to tell her?" he asked aloud. He knew it would be right to tell her everything, but how could he? Luke had sort of provoked him, sure. But that was no excuse, not at all.

Anakin screamed in frustration and drove faster. After a few minutes, he reached the med center and parked his speeder outside. Then he went inside, with the intention to pick Padmé up in her room. But it was empty. He checked the number again, but it was definitely hers and there was no one inside.

"Hey, droid," he stopped one of the passing med droids. "Senator Amidala is supposed to be released today, but she's not in her room."

"I'm sorry," the droid said, "but the Senator already left."

"Did someone pick her up?"

"She said she would take a taxi, and if you don't have any other questions, I am needed elsewhere." The droid disappeared.

Anakin went back to his speeder. She's probably at home, resting, he told himself while starting it. Or catching up on the senates activities, but either way, she's safely at home.

But whatever he told himself, he couldn't help going as fast as the traffic would allow. He had a bad feeling, but tried to believe that it was nothing. It didn't work.

When he arrived at her apartment, he jumped out of the speeder and went inside.

"Padmé?" he called. "Senator Amidala? Padmé!"

He checked every room, but she wasn't there. Maybe the taxi she had taken was slow. She'd surely arrive in a few minutes.

Anakin tried calling her com. Nothing. It had been ten minutes now.

"Senator Organa," he contacted Padmé's friend. 

"General Skywalker," he greeted.

"Have you seen Senaor Amidala this evening?" he asked quickly.

"No, I haven't. Isn't she at the medical centre?"

"She was released. Can you reach her com?"

"Um, no. General Skywalker, what happened?"

"I'm not sure..." Anakin said, "Anyway, thanks for your help."

He ended the call and ran back to his speeder. Within five minutes, he reached the Jedi temple. Running through the halls, he didn't especially watch where he was going.

"Anakin," Obi-Wan said surprised as they almost bumped into each other. "What's going on?"

"Padmé's gone," he said quickly.


"She took a taxi from the med center, but she's not at her apartment and I can't contact her."

"You should tell the council, this could be connected to Darth Sidious." Obi-Wan said.

Anakin nodded and they went to the council chambers, a bit slower, do to Obi-Wan being more cautious.

"The council is still discussing matters of senator Palpatine. I was actually going to look for you, they wanted to talk to you."

"They did?" Anakin asked cautiously.

"Of course, with Luke unconscious, you're the only other person who witnessed the event."

"Right..." Anakin said. How was he going to keep the council from realizing that he had been the one to hurt Luke?

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