Thought 37

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The one who cleared my vision


The one who made me smile


The one who told me "I'm here."

You were the only hand

Willing to grab mine

From the swirling waves 

You were the only person

Willing to help me

From the thunder storm

So don't you tell me

You're a terrible person

Because you're everything but

You're kind 



Even though you're a bit judgmental 

That doesn't change my mind

For you were the one who helped me 

When all the shadows whispered

"You're not helpful."

"You're a burden."

"You're not worth it."

"You're talentless." 

"You don't matter."

But even when I doubted myself 

You still took my hand 

And told me

"You're helpful."

"You are everything but a burden."

"You're worth it."

"You have talents."

"You matter."

I couldn't thank you enough

So now, I cry as the clock strikes

Our time together is up

You've made this year a good one

I'll never forget you, Batman. 

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