Day 3

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This is one letter I thought I never would write. Quite emotional for me. The challenge is going on well I guess ^_^



Dear Mom and Dad,

At this point in life I'm considered an adult. I know sometimes I don't act like it,  but that's a part of life right? As I'm growing up, I'm realizing how much you did for me. And for that, I need to truly thank you- something I don't think I've done appropriately to date.

I've never been the type of person to express verbally how I feel. I know I tell you everyday that I love you both, but sometimes that isn't enough. Sometimes,  'I love you' doesn't cover up how deeply I care for the two of you, atleast that's in my opinion.

But without any explanation, I tend to shy away from emotional topics or similar subjects, which you've probably realized by now. Since I've got a chance to write to you, here's everything I've got to say.

I come across so many situations in a day, where I feel incredibly lucky to have parents like you.  You're sensible, understanding and strict whenever it's needed. More than anything, your love is immense. You actually make me feel loved, it's evident in every of your actions rather than just saying it to me. I know it may not always seem this way, especially when I get into those dreaded bad moods. It's just that sometimes I let my demons get the best of me and tend to shut down.

But I take full accountability for all those times when I removed my anger and frustration on you. So please forgive me. I imagine I must not be pleasant while acting like that,  but promise me you won't think I mean any of it. And I in turn, promise I won't let it go that far for it to affect our relation.

Despite our rough teenager-parents moments, our happy times are more anyday! Coming home from all the drama of the big bad world, it feels calm and nice when I see you mom, with a big smile on your face, waiting for me at home. I love it dad,  when you always come to persuade  me after every petty little fight we have.

Thank you mom, for making me realize that I'm worth everything in this world. That I must be treated like a queen and never settle for anything less than I deserve.

Thank you Dad, for making me realize what I'm capable of. For giving me the support that I needed to build a dream to chase after.  And for believing that I have the talent to reach my goals.

Thank you both of you, for always being there. You make me feel like I'm your entire world. And you mine, Mom and Dad. Love you!





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