Day 4

231 11 7


Dear Ronald,

Relations are not made by blood compulsorily. Sometimes it takes only an incident of love and affection to create relations which will last a lifetime. Similar thing happened to us.

You probably never knew, but for quite some time I was a little sensitive on the topic of siblings. I was more than pissed off with that subject, and didn't look forward to talking about it.

We, on the other hand, have known each other since we were kids but never interacted that well. I met you many times during the year but our conversations were restricted to being formal. And honestly, I didn't expect more at that time.

I remember the time when I had casually come to visit my relatives near your place but since you were out, we couldn't meet.

That day's text conversation between us:

Me: Hey! Where are you? I came by, but your mom said you were out.

You: Oh no, I missed it! Was out with friends. Where are you now? Did you leave?

Me: Yeah, on my way back! Mom was asking if you'll like to come over for Rakshabandhan?

(FYI that's the name of a festival celebrated where I come from, relating to brothers and sisters.)

You : Sure! What time should I be there? Let me know!

Me : Yes I'll tell you soon. Cya then!

Honestly I wasn't expecting you to say yes. To say I was surprised, was the understatement of the year. We live quite far away and we hadn't been that close for you to travel all the way just because I asked you to. I smiled like an idiot because despite it being Rakshabandhan, I was really looking forward to the next day.

Since I didn't talk to you much,  I had only judged you on the basis of what I had heard about you from others. But every moment you kept surprising me, by behaving just the opposite of what I thought you will.

You kept your promise, turned up the next day, with a big smile on your face and lots of chocolates in your bag! What more could I ask for?

That day was one memorable one. We talked,laughed, teased,  well.. I teased you more! More importantly, in one short afternoon I got to know you ten times better than before. Also the fact that you came only to see me made me feel loved.

Only after this I got to know that you're amazing as a person. Your gesture may have seemed very simple and negligible to you, but it brings a smile on my face every time I think of it. Because it was just what I needed at that time - a perfect saviour!

We've become quite good friends after that. We don't talk everyday, we don't need to. But whenever we do its like we never stopped. Hope we remain as cool buddies as we are ever, bro.





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