Pain and Pleasure

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As I opened my eyes, I saw the ceiling of my room. I jumped up, and saw my suitcase soaked in water, sitting on the floor by the closet. There was a puddle of water on the wooden floor beneath the suitcase, which I was pretty sure had already done permanent damage. Looking around the room, I saw that everything was the same. I ran into the bathroom and saw I was wearing what I ran away in, my shirt ripped in half, but covered by the zipped hoodie.

I was ecstatic, but very confused. I was no longer in that awful room. I felt safe in my room. There was no pain from my chest, my toe, or my knee. I figured they were all just numb. But, I had a throbbing head and everything was blurry. I couldn't keep my balance. It was as if I was drugged. I could barely stand still long enough to see myself in the mirror. It was awful. Something felt off. I wasn't getting any of my "senses" from anything, which was odd. It was like I was mentally sick.

I took off my hoodie and looked at the pentagram on my chest. Laying my hand on it, I noticed that, somehow, it was just an imprint. There were no cuts or wax. It was like a tattoo. Then I realized all my wounds were gone. My knee was fully functional and all my cuts and bruises were gone. I wanted to leave my room but the key Lance gave me wasn't on my dresser any more.

I started to once again unpack my suitcase, which was difficult in my state, where I saw something reflect light underneath me dresser. I dug it out and there was my key. Grabbing it, I quickly walked to my door, unlocked it, and noticed it was day time, judging by the light seeping out of the windows. I went to step out but as I kicked my leg out an immense pain hit my foot. I screamed and retracted my foot, the pain instantly leaving. I sat on my bed and stared at the door, trying to figure out what happened, but even thinking hurt.

It was like there was an invisible force field filling my doorway. It was like you could pass it, but it would be super painful. It caused a pain similar to being electrocuted, but it was sharper, like a knife. I contemplated pushing through it but I knew there was no guarantee the pain wouldn't change or even stop once I past the doorway, so I gave up that idea.

Moments later, Lance ran into my room, closing my door. I jumped up and attacked him with a hug. He hugged back, but quickly ended the hug. Something about his hug was off. I didn't feel the same warmth I usually did. I was probably an error of my over analysis, but I guess I enjoyed the hugs so much that I knew exactly how they felt, and that last hug was just not right. Something was wrong. Stepping back, he looked at me, smiling his beautiful smile.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and he continued to speak. "When I heard your scream I thought it might be you so I ran here and saw you." He was so adorable when he was happy. But the way he talked was wrong too. It sounded like he was talking with intentionally wrong grammar. Lance usually had good grammar, and I never hear anything that bad grammar wise come out of him. Then, a much happier and clothed version of Saria walked in the room. She was wearing typical maid attire, all black and frilly. She was beautiful.

Her hair was a beautiful auburn red, and waved in delicate patterns, hanging down to her mid-stomach. She had a similar facial structure to Lance's, narrow with a delicate nose, but unlike Lance, she had thin, but heart shaped lips, whereas Lance's were fuller. She was shorter than Lance but had an exquisite figure, being skinny but quite shapely for her age. Looks definitely ran in the family. She was smiling and sided-hugged Lance.

"Hi, I'm Saria. Thank you for saving me. If it wasn't for you I would still be locked up in the cage," her voice sounded young like she was, but it had a certain maturity, not one caused by age but one caused by experience. She seemed more mature for her age. I liked her, which was saying something, seeing as I usually hated people around the freshmen age.

Then, I noticed something. All her little cuts and such were gone, and why could they run through the door with the electric shocking pain?

"What happened to all your cuts?" I asked insensitively. I realized the moment that I could have easily brought up bad, painful memories, but she didn't react as if it was painful. Not at all.

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