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Scrutinizing pain hit my chest, and I screamed. Naturally, I put my hands on my chest to find it covered in blood. Terrified, I looked down and saw a blood covered chest, but there was no pentagram. Shock hit me and the pain vanished, instantly and completely.

Alexandre was just standing there watching me, like he was proud of what he did. I wanted to think he did something great also, but what, exactly, did he do? All I knew was that he gave me some drink that made my chest hurt horribly, bleed, and got rid of the pentagram, which I had grown fond of. I couldn’t see anything good in it, besides the blood that I always enjoyed wearing.

Looking up at him, my face sweaty from the awful pain, he smiled his twisted smile. I tried to read him but it was no use. Nothing he did made sense to me. His book was written in some outlandish language, and I doubt anyone could read him. Hell, I doubt he even had a book.

Overwhelmed by my confusion, I asked, "What did that do?"

"It removed the pentagram from your chest, along with the demon's control of your dreams, but in return, I gave him control of how you perceive reflections, along with what you see in them. Your reactions to the dreams were insane. You were sleep walking last night; did you know that?" He sounded shocked that I was sleep walking, but there was something about how he said "reflections" that gave me a bad feeling. His tone had a suspicious, almost scheming tone, but it was barely noticeable. I hoped it was just his mysterious nature.

I wished the demon would just leave. I had figured out I must have been sleepwalking, or should I say, sleepkilling; and it scared me to the core. To think I almost killed him in my sleep made me feel like a monster. I technically didn’t have to be conscious to kill! That is crazy.

It made me question the demons strength. If he could control my body while I dreamed, did he do anything during the first dream? Are there traps set for Alexandre? I was scared the demon would kill him. I don’t know what I would do if Alexander was killed, considering I couldn’t die myself. What could he do with reflections? I did not want to know.

"Oh! One more thing," he said as he walked up to me. He grabbed my black pendent and put it in his mouth. What was he doing? Although it was attractive, I was confused and I found it slightly odd. I mean, he went out of his way to suck on a necklace. He seemed to move it around his mouth for a while, but during the entire time, it felt like all my pain and sorrow was leaving again. I began to not care again. I loved it.

I realized how stupid and weak I was. Letting stupid Lance get to me like that. I went through a lot just because of the stupid tears he caused. I wished I never met him, because then I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I was angered that my necklace was damaged, but I wanted to thank Alexandre for fixing it, I and knew exactly how I planned on thanking him.

With it in his mouth, he looked up at me and moved closer to me. He put his lips around mine and we began to kiss, the pendent swaying in the tide-like movements of our tongues. It was cold, but it felt so sexual, I loved it. He held me gently, which I was surprised it wasn’t sexual, even though the kiss was. I wished he’d gently hugged me before he made me not care again. I wrapped my hands around him, grabbing his ass when he pulled away, the slobbery pendent falling against my chest, wetting it.

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