Make The White Red

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"Blood is everywhere. It plagues everything. Everyone around you has it. So why don't we spill some? Huh! It sounds like fun. Don't you agree, Leeonith?" the girl said, sword in hand. Her voice echoed throughout the area, her twisted words repeating. I looked out and saw white. We were in some huge room where everything was white. There were people scurrying around, dressed in fancy, white attire. They seemed to be socializing, like we were at a party.

The room felt like a fantasy. A weird world that was totally unlike anything I had ever seen. There was a feeling about it. It made it feel almost like a children's dream. It almost felt like it belonged in a wonderland, but there was something else, something darker that seemed like it wasn't for children besides the obvious words of the girl beside me. It was just not normal.

The girl and I were standing on two large pillars, at least one hundred feet up. She too was wearing a white martini dress, the sides torn as if she was ready to fight. She had short brown hair with the bob like cut where it hangs lower in the front. Her pale skin contrasted with her hair and her eyes were a deep, dark brown. From a distance they would look black. They offered no reflection like eyes normally do. Something about her just wasn't right. She was off.

She turned to me and sent a comforting smile my way. What was she doing? The look on her face was so innocent it seemed almost like a different person from the girl who spoke. I actually liked the girl who smiled.

It was the kind of smile that would belong to a person who exuded happiness and laughter. It was friendly, something I had never gotten to know well. It almost endured me to her, no matter how sick and twisted she had been several seconds ago.

She reached her free hand out, and it looked like I could reach it. She was looking at me encouragingly, but I still was weary at first, seeing as she just gave me a psychotic rant, but I still tried to grab her hand.

Just as I touched her cold, hard finger tips, she grabbed my wrist so tight it hurt and pulled, sending me falling down. Screaming, everyone on the ground looked up at me and scattered away from where I would land as I noticed that I too, was wearing a white suite. Every little aspect was white. Why was there so much white?

It angered me that not a single one of them was willing to catch me or break my fall. There were hundreds of people in the room and none of them tried to help. I doubt that it even occurred in their minds. All they probably thought was, "Oh look, someone is falling. I better move or he might land on me."

But, their actions weren't the worst part. Their faces were so twisted. Not directly twisting where they smiled as they saw me fall, but still twisted. As they saw me, the all casually walked away, noticing me for not even a second before they went back to talking and laughing with each other. Who would do that? It was awful.

As I came to hit the floor, I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and knees. Someone caught me! But who? Everybody ran away, I'm pretty sure I would have seen them brace themselves for my impact before I landed. It was as if someone just appeared under me, moving faster than light. The thought that I didn't hit the floor, my guts spattering all over the perfectly white floor made me happy and extremely relieved.

I looked up to see the face of none other than the twisted girl who caused me to fall. She placed me on the ground as I stared at her in wonder. Handing me her long sword, which was white, she said, "Here, take this. Let's cure the plague in all of these sick people. Spill their blood and save them!" She was sadistic! Killing the people would not save them. The pure madness of what she said scared me to the core. How could someone be so hell bent on killing a group of people, especially sense she, or at least I, didn't know them. It made me wonder why she caught me and what happened to the happy, inviting girl I saw briefly?

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