True Happiness

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"Now we get to do laundry. We will work on it past lunch until diner. She requires her clothes to sparkle, and seeing as they're black, it's kind of difficult," he said, jokingly. I laughed briefly before he began instructing me. I was very happy we were in a room all about cleaning and not one that was filthy.

"Would you prefer to wash or iron them?" he asked. Why would I want to touch her dirty clothes? Of course I didn't say it, but I sure as hell thought it. Grandmama's dresses were all nasty and infected with her evilness my sarcastic brain thought.

"Ironing," I said simply. He nodded, smiling. He was always so happy. I didn't know how he managed to stay happy in such a dreadful place, but I knew he kept me happy.

"Okay, then you can watch me clean the first ones. I would suggest taking off your suit's jacket and rolling up your sleeves, you might get wet, or at least I will," he said jokingly as he did so himself, laying the jacket on a chair against the wall. I too, took off my jacket and rolled up my sleeves. Although I didn't see how I would get wet. Ironing is about heat not water, right?

He looked better without the jacket. He had a slightly muscular build, but you couldn't see it with the jacket. He just kept getting hotter and just overall, closer to being perfect, with not far to go.

He laughed, taking me out of my gaze.

"What," I asked, trying to cover up how I was obviously checking him out.

"You," he said adorably. Laughing, he turned to the sink and turned the water on. "Can you pass me a dress?" he asked as he wet his hands. I didn't want too, but I did it anyway. Grabbing it off the hanger, the dress was rough and I still don't know why she would wear it. Even the dress was rough and just simply bad, like Grandmama.

I walked over to hand the awful dress to him when he turned and flicked his wet hands towards me, shooting water at me. Thanks to my fast reflexes and quickly figuring out what he was doing, I used the dress as a shield, but water hit my hands and face.

Laughing, he continued to stick his hands in the water and flick it at me. I couldn't believe it! He was so perfect, I couldn't get over him.

"Haha, you're missing!" I teased.

"Shut up, I'm the one with the water, remember!" he said, jokingly threatening me.

The dress soaked, I dropped it and quickly dived my hands into the water and curved them under the water so the powerfully flowing water shot up at him. Moving my hands to aim, I covered him in water, head to toe, before I stopped.

Neither of us could stop laughing and I even fell to the wet floor, curled up as I laughed hysterically. Once I regained control, I stood up and observed Lance's soaked self. His white shirt was stuck to his body and was see through. He was crazy hot. He had pronounced abs and pecs, but not so much that it was too obvious. He was just muscular enough.

"Wow, I won," I said, laughing at him as he continued to look at himself in shock. Even I couldn't believe how wet he was, I couldn't imagine what was going through his head. He looked up at me with a huge grin, as if he had a plan to get me back. Anxiety pulsed through me as I wondered, should I be excited or scared?

"Come here, let me give you a hug!" he said jokingly. I should be excited.

"Not when you're that wet," I said, although I really did want to hug him. Hugging him was actually exactly what I wanted. He approached me and I backed up until I hit the wall, which I must say I planned myself. I contemplated leaving the room, but besides my fear of Grandmama catching us and ruining us, I really wanted him to hug me, so I made it easy for him.

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