Enemies From A Life's Past

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            “Someone from my past I wish dead? Well, let me think,” I had several people in mind, but I wanted to pick someone that really deserved it. Someone that wouldn’t expect it, or even remember me. I wanted them to be killed and be totally surprised without even knowing why they were killed or who was responsible. That’s what they had to deserve.

They truly had to be the scum of the earth. They had to be as nasty as the green schlime around the tip of public water fountains, or old hotel bathtubs. They had to be filthy, lower than low life freaks. Then it hit me.

Michael Tobias, my schools notorious football star. Coaches said he would make it to the professional league, because around them he was perfect. He spoke with grammar better than our English teachers, manners better than English Queens, and posture better than Russian Ballerinas. Not to mention his incredible skills in football. Also, he was the biggest team sport you could dreams of when the coaches were present.

If only they saw what we saw. He was extremely homophobic, and thought anyone that looked remotely emo should just kill themselves. When coaches weren’t around, he was the exact opposite person. He couldn’t be ruder, his grammar sucked, he was selfish, and his posture was that of a lazy four year old.

When it came to me, not only was I gay, but with my hair and style he perceived me as emo, although I wasn’t. To say the least, he told me daily to kill myself and let my fag of a soul rot in the hell as Satan used me as a sex slave. Again, I say “to say the least.” I and many people hated school due to him and his influence over the school’s population. Although, the part that angered me the most was that he was hot. He could have anyone, guy or girl, he wanted and yet all that beauty belonged to a jerk.

So, when it came to people from my past I wished dead, he was on the top of the list. He deserved a slow, agonizing death for all the pain he’s caused. And he never actually hurt me that much. I was good at ignoring his annoying mouth. Others didn’t have that skill. He had caused, and technically I don’t know if it has happened again after I left, several people to commit suicide. Killing him was more than fair. In my opinion, he deserved lethal injection, without hesitation.

            “There’s a jock from school that I would be more than happy to have killed. His name’s Michael Tobias. He won’t be hard to find. Look for a group of muscular guys and slutty girls walking around and he should be in the center, joking with the guys while kissing multiple girls at once,” I said, trying to show Alexandre what kind of person he was. I honestly couldn’t be more excited to have someone killed. Well, aside from Lance and Alexandre, both of which involved extreme circumstances.

            “He sounds perfect. I’m going to change into Lance and wear some of your old clothes so I blend in with the school population,” he said, a smile on his face growing, knowing he’ll get to kill someone. It was fun to see us both excited for something.

            “Should I get dressed too?” I asked. I definitely wasn’t going to go back into my old High School with no clothes on. I knew I would never see the students again, but I in a way thought they weren’t worthy. It was a privilege to get me naked in front of you. My old self-conscious ways were gone.

            “No, they won’t see you. You’re in the world of the immortals so they can’t see you.” I remembered him explaining it as he spoke and I knew he knew when he didn’t explain it further.  I was happy nobody would see me. It would start rumors and ruin everything in the end. However, I was sad that I wouldn’t be able to watch Michael’s life taken from him, as he had done to so many people.

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