The Garden

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The sent of roses filled the air, the smell sweet and inviting as it flowed around the auburn haired boy. His hands grazed over the top of the red flowers, avoiding the thorns hidden beneath the beauty. His dark brown eyes sparkled with interest as he saw another rose, slightly different from the others. A different shade of crimson that stood out to him.

Stepping closer, he pulled the bright flower closer to his face and inhaled the intoxicating sent. When he drew his fingers away from it, he let out a small gasp and looked to his hand. A small bubble of crimson liquid pooled on the tip of his finger, causing him to frown.

With beauty, also comes pain. He thought to himself, applying pressure to the tip of his finger where the blood had pooled.



The streets were filled with people, each rushing to and fro, from shop to shop. In the midst of the crowds stood a boy with raven hair and a dark leather jacket that covered a white t-shirt. He stared down at his phone with a sigh before moving out of the bustling flow of the crowd that moved towards him at an alarming rate. Between quick 'excuse me' and occasional 'pardon' the boy made it to a quiet book store which he entered hastily. Relieved to have finally made it out of that horrid traffic flow, he let out a long sigh and glanced around him. He knew the owner of the book store well, as it was one of his close friends. Walking past the rows of books and glancing over a few titles on his way, he made it to the counter and eyed the broad shoulders of the man sitting behind it. Raising an eyebrow, the boy cleared his throat to alert the man of his presence.

The man turned around quickly, swiveling his comfy desk chair to face the counter as he looked up at the face before him and smiled widely. "Well, if it isn't the golden maknae himself." he grinned, his eyes practically disappearing in his eye-smile. "Jungkook-ah! It's so good to see you." He stepped out from behind the counter and embraced the younger in a tight, motherly hug.

"I know, it's been a while. I'm sorry, Hyung. I should have kept in touch." Jungkook offered his side smile, revealing his bunny teeth to the older who just smiled wider in return. "No matter, you're here now. How have you been? Have you spoken with the others?" The younger simply shook his head in return. "You're the first I've seen in nearly five years. I was in town and figured I'd stop by." He explained, leaning against the counter as he spoke.

There was a few moments of silence before the older spoke again, "You know, I haven't been in contact with them for at least a few months-" he paused, a slight pink dusting his cheeks as he finished speaking. "Except for Namjoon."

Jungkook simply smiled, shaking his head. "Are you two still together? After all this time? Congrats, Seokjin Hyung. I'm proud." he chuckled, stepping up to give him another tight hug that lasted a few moments before he leaned against the counter again.

Seokjin nodded, the blush remaining on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes, still together. Two years and counting. Yoongi and Jimin are together now too, if you hadn't heard?" Jungkook shook his head, another smile gracing his lips. "I'm happy for them, after all that flirting. They deserve happiness."

The two continued talking for nearly an hour before Seokjin had to excuse himself to care for his customers, but left him his phone number before doing so. Jungkook pocketed the number and said goodbye to his Hyung before he headed out into the now less-crowded streets.


 Jungkook's hotel wasn't too far from the book store. It was within fifteen minutes of walking distance tops. He made his way up to the third floor of the five story hotel, room 310. He pulled the room card out of his wallet and unlocked the door, stepping into the dark room before he closed the door and flicked on the lights.

Making his way to the bed, he sat down and slipped his Timberlands off before falling back onto the bed with a long sigh. His eyes closed as he moved a hand up to run through his silky smooth hair, remembering the conversation with Seokjin not even an hour ago. In their conversation, the only one he had failed to mention was Taehyung. The one person out of their friend group that he was closest with. He had always treated Tae as an older brother. A figure to aspire to be. Someone to lean on in times of trouble, and someone to laugh with during the good times.

"Nnngh.." he groaned, sitting up as he pulled his phone out. He still had some of his old contacts on his phone, yet Tae's was one of the ones he had lost since he had gotten a new phone since the last time he'd seen them. Pulling the note out of his pocket, he looked over Seokjin Hyung's tidy handwriting and smiled softly before he entered the number into his phone. He saved the contact before opening his messages and sending one to his Hyung.

Jungkook: Hi Hyung, it's Kookie. Do you have Taehyung's number by chance? 


He set his phone down and got up, going to the bathroom while he waited. After a few minutes, he returned and looked at his phone which alerted him of a new message.


Seokjin: Ahh I do have his number but I think we need to talk first.. meet me for lunch tomorrow, around 12:30?                                                                                                                    

Jungkook: Of course. Something wrong?

                                                                                    Read: 7:55

Seokjin: I'll explain tomorrow. See you then Kookie.

Jungkook: Ah, alright. Love you Hyung

                                                                                 Read: 8:02

Seokjin: Love you too


Jungkook tilted his head to the side, peering at the messages from Seokjin. He wouldn't tell him what was going on, nor give him the number? Odd. But after his long flight, the younger boy was tired. He opted to sleep early, helping pass the time until the next day so he could find out why Seokjin was being secretive. His Hyung was almost always open with his conversations, seeing the reserved side of him was confusing and unusual.

Setting his phone on the charger, he stood and took his shirt off before heading to the suitcase beside his bed to grab fresh boxers. He changed, leaving his jeans draped over the back of the chair near his bed. Crawling into bed wearing his boxers alone, he rested his head against the fluffed pillow and quickly drifted off to sleep.



First chapter done.. what do you guys think?? I know nothing much happened but it'll get better-

I hope.



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