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Dark chocolate eyes moved up to gaze upon the sight before the boy, his lips parting in awe as he gazed at the massive building. The beautiful masonry, antique yet crisp and preserved. The smell of roses still holding onto his senses, he looked down to his finger which had the thorn's prick and pursed his lips slightly before moving his eyes up again. An irritating sound caused the boy to jump before he reached up to cover his ears, his hands shoved up into his hair as he let out a grumble.

The sound continued, again and again. Over and over, repeatedly.




Then, everything went dark. Black. Nothingness. Empty, cold darkness. He could no longer smell the roses, or feel the pain in his finger. The boy opened his eyes in confusion, slowly raising a hand to brush the fringe from his eyes to reveal his half-lidded gaze. ''What.. where?'' he mumbled, his voice cracking and his throat dry. The room around him was dully lit, yet it felt confined and cold. Unlike the garden that was below the beautiful mansion, this place had a different feel. A sickly feel. It wasn't right. He looked at himself, tugging lightly at the thin gown that covered his body. ''What is this..'' His voice cracked again, revealing a huskier, deeper tone.

The buzz startled him again, causing him to flinch. He frowned, his eyes scanning the room for the irritating noise. A cellphone caught his attention, it was sitting on the bedside table beside him. He reached for it slowly, taking the device in his hand and turning the screen on. ''Hyung messaged me..'' he spoke to himself, peering at the phone. 10 unread messages.


                                               Seokjinnie Hyung

Jin: Taehyung

Jin: Tae??

Jin: We need to talk.

Jin: Taehyung please answer.

Jin: Tae this is urgent.

Jin: Taehyung I swear

Jin: If you don't answer


Jin: Look just call me?

Jin: Please.

                                                                                                                            Read: 8:07pm

                                                                                      . . . typing

Tae: Hyung? What's going on?


Still confused as to why he was here. Again. He couldn't remember much. Not from within the past few days. He rubbed his forehead before his phone began to buzz again. Incoming call from Seokjinnie Hyung. He grabbed the phone and answered, bracing for a bucket-load of chatter from the other end.

''Taehyung-ah! Took you long enough..''

''Yah! I was asleep.. mind telling me why I'm here? Again.''

''You had another.. incident. You don't remember?''

A short silence filled the air before an abrupt grunt sounded on Taehyung's side of the call. Seokjin shook his head, running a hand over his face before he continued speaking to the younger.

''Well, that happened. But I called to tell you about something else.''


''Jungkook-ah.. he's back. He came back home.''

Silence filled the air again as Tae spaced out, leaning back against the pillow in the bed where he sat. Jeon Jungkook was back. His closest friend. His confidant. He hadn't seen him in years and was slowly losing himself in the process. Jungkook had left them for college overseas, and hadn't kept in touch. Not once did he call, or text. Not even a letter. No knowledge of where he was, or how he was. And that was slowly tearing Taehyung apart. He had fallen in love with the younger, and everyone except for Jungkook knew that.

The conversation between the two sparked again, droning on slowly until Jin had to go pick Namjoon up from work, leaving Taehyung alone with his thoughts. The younger male brushed the dirty blonde fringe from his eyes again, his lips parting slowly as he looked around the room. "Jungkookie, mianhae.." he whispered softly, placing his hands over his face as he let out a soft sob. Tears rolling down his cheeks and leaving small drops on his gown.


Nearly 48 hours had passed since Seokjin had visited Taehyung and told him the news, and it had left the eldest uneasy about the younger's reaction.

"I don't know Hoseok-ah.. he's not the same. Something's different." he spoke softly, setting his cup of steaming tea down on the small saucer before looking to the ginger-haired male sitting opposite of him.

"Different for better or worse?" Hoseok spoke up, small dimples forming on his cheeks as a worried smile appeared on his lips.

Jin shook his head, "I'm not sure. I can't tell. He spaced out when I told him-" he paused, rubbing his temples. "I don't know if that's a good sign, or not."

The ginger male shrugged lightly. "Let's hope it's for the better. He deserves happiness, after all he's been through." he responded, placing a comforting hand over Jin's as he gave him his trademark 'sunshine' smile.


The sharp slam of a car door outside the hotel room woke the brown haired male up, causing him to groan slightly as he fell backwards onto his pillow again. "Great." he muttered, rolling his gaze over to the clock that sat on his bedside table.

6:32 AM 

"It's too early to be up." he complained, standing and slipping his baggy white t-shirt off to reveal his highly toned stomach. Changing into a solid black shirt and black jacket, he slipped on a pair of fresh, dark blue-jeans and his timberlands.

He reached for his phone to check his messages, frowning when he didn't see anything interesting. Pocketing his phone, he straightened his jacket and grabbed his hotel room key before heading out the door. By now, the streets were much less crowded being that it was still early, and on a Saturday. He inhaled the brisk, fresh air before sighing deeply and running a hand over his hair to smooth down his bedhead. He found a street bench near a tall hospital building, which in his opinion, was beautifully modeled and intriguing because it had a large garden beside it. All the flowers fully in bloom, especially the large array of roses that framed the edges and formed the centerpiece of the garden. His gaze was lost in the beauty of the flowers before him when a shadow blocked the sunlight that was warming him. He quickly turned his head, looking up to the face of the figure that had walked up beside him. Once he realized who it was, tears began to well up in his eyes as he stood slowly. The figure opened his arms, offering a hug to the brown haired male who quickly accepted, falling into the warm embrace.




How's this one?? I spent so long editing it oOops but enjoy!!

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