When the concert ended I instantly ran backstage scared of what was going to happen next. The constant "What if I fucked up out there." going through my head. I though I was going to die. Then Ady, Hailey, and Gerard walked back," Dude, what happened, as soon as you finished that last song you freaking ran." Ady said. I wanted to reply but I couldn't. I felt frozen, like I was in a different world. A world where I can hear and see whats going on outside of it, but I couldn't control what was going on with me.
I started walking away, away from my friends. I could hear everyone screaming my name but I ignored them. I grabbed my skateboard and went home for the night. I couldn't stay there. Walking away from my friends I felt scared. I knew they would be mad. I guess that's what I was scared of. I wanted to walk back to them but my feet wouldn't let me. I felt as if I wasn't in control of my feet. I don't know why.
After that I don't remember much. All I know is that I went home, changed clothes, read a little, then went to bed.
Then fucking Tuesday comes and ruins shit. Wonderful-ness. My alarm screaming at me al always. After about three minutes of laying in bed I actually decided to get up and get some clothes on. I was lazy and tired so I just decided to wear something simple. Some black distressed jeans, a black and white sarcasm hoodie, then to top it off some black shoes. Funny thing in the pockets of that hoodie I found a pin. The way I found it was when I stuck my hands in my pocket I pricked myself with it. I guess we can call the pin a prick now huh. No... okay I'll stop.
I went to the bathroom to put on some emo eyeshadow and liner and brush my teeth and hair.
I decided not to eat breakfast for some reason this morning. I also never got a starbucks out of the fridge, which is strange because I always eat and get a starbucks. I don't know, guess I wasn't feeling it this morning.
I grabbed my book bag and board the headed out the door. Damn, I didn't even grab my lunchbox, I must be really fucked up today.

Cupcake Killer
Teen Fiction15 year old Ireland McLaren. Emo,Punk, and a skater. Her friends don't understand her at all, and she cant have a boyfriend to save her life. She plays guitaur for her band named The Cupcake Killers. Not only is she the led giutaur plyer for the ban...