You Think I'm Crazy, Don't you

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I stared into the traffic that I almost walked into, my thoughs running wild.

I almost just ran into that.

I'm insane

I should have ran into the traffic not walked.

I should have stayed at Ady's house.

I wondered who was holding me. I turned around, Gee. He released his hold on me, out of all people it was Gee to come and save me. After the argument we had he was the one who had came and save me. 

"Stop." he said

"Ireland, IRELAND, where are you!" I heard Ady scream. We both looked up at her, "Ireland, oh are you alright. " she said worried. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine... I'm totally fine."

"Yeah that's good, you wanna calm down and go get something.  Coffee or tea, 'ya know just something or you wanna go somewhere where we can talk." she asked

"We can go to my place." Gee said before I could reply

"Yeah, lets go. Lead the way."

Once we got to Gee's house we walked inside and saw that it was huge. Band posters everywhere, pictures of him with almost every musican you can think of, and one small picture in a frame... the one of us, the one of the band before Hailey left.

 the one of us, the one of the band before Hailey left

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Ady was asleep on the couch

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Ady was asleep on the couch

"You wanna go hang out on the roof?" Gee asked

"Sure." I replied

We got up from out seats heading outside to the deck.

"I'll go up first then I can help you up." He said climbing up the railing and grabbing the roof. I gave him a minute then he dropped his hand down. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, we were both on the roof of his house. We walked to the highest peak next to the chimney and sat down. Once we go settled he was the first to speak.

"Damn, the sky's beautiful tonight. The stars and everything." 

"Yeah, I like to think that the stars and the souls of the dead, once a brave person dies their soul gets shot into space where they live out their afterlife watching their loved ones from beyond us. Sometimes if you listen close enough you might even be able to hear them scream or speak."

"Cool, all I hear is all the cars that drive through at night"

I giggled a little then spoke again, "You probably think I'm crazy now, don't you. 'Ya know for what happened with me walking into traffic." 

"Nah, I would do the same if I had to watch my parents die."

"Were you ever depressed?" I asked

"I was once, a long time ago. I was addicted to alcohol. I'm a lot better now though."

" Hm, That'll happen. When stress takes over you can't help but grab a bottle. One drink is all it takes 'til something really bad happens."

"Tell me the real story behind your parents, all I know is that you dad killed your mom."

"Alright, but it's a long story. You sure you wanna hear it?" I asked 

"Yeah, lets go."

Before I could start the story I scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"If you don't want me to do that then I'll stop." He stated

"No its fine. Anyway, One night ,around midnight I think, someone broke into my house. I was in my room chillin' as they say. I heard all the ruckas from the window opening. I didn't go downstairs though. I just packed a bag o' clothes and my cat then waited 'till the dude couldn't see me. When I thought I was safe I ran to the door, the dude followed me though. When I got outside he chased me to the neighbours house. Good thing is that the lady who lived next door, her husband was a cop. So I went to their house, told them, then the officer went to my place, arrested my dad, tested him and he was drunk. Then the cop went inside and found my mom and brother dead. The end."

"Damn, I guess we're just two depressed kids, trying to find our place in this screwed up world."


I guess we are.

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