Showed You

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    I was hanging out in my room and listening to my music, when the song I was listening to ended I took off my headphones to hear Trey failing in the next room over, I assume he was failing at playing an F while trying to mute at the same time. I got off my bed and grabbed the guitar that was on a stand in my room. I plugged it up to am AMP I used to use a lot, now it's just decoration, I was surprised it still worked. I texted Hailey and asked her to come over to play drums. She said she was on her way, I already had a drum set so she didn't need to pack hers up and bring it. While she was on the way I changed clothes into a green and black t-shirt and some greenish shorts, all the while listening to the notes coming in through the other room.

   A few minutes later Hailey came to the apartment and knocked on the door. We greeted eachother and went to the practice room. Trey looked up at Hailey twirling her sticks and me tossing my picks in the air.

"You know what to do." I stated, while Hailey went to her drum set. I went to grab my guitar off the wall and plugged it up. We decided to play a newer non-vocal song, Undertail. Hailey started to hit the drums while I started to strum my guitar.

We finished the song as I went to unplug the AMP from my guitar, Hailey stated a good point, "Hey, don't we have that new song you've been writing? You wanna practice that one real quick?" She asked. I nodded and went to grab my mic and mic stand. I couldn't find my book though.

"Hold up I'm gonna go look for my book, I'll be back." I left the room and headed to my living room to find it. I found my book on my table, I went back to the music room and started to read the lyrics. I had to read them because I didn't memorize them yet. Eventually I got the lyrics down and closed and threw my book on the floor.

The song had a lot of fast paced lyrics to it and I messed up some, but other than that I don't think we did to bad. I thought that one was kinda decent. I didn't like the pace, I should show them down later.

"Hey, Ire you should get your acoustic off the wall and do Warriors." Hailey said.

"Hmm, that's not to bad of an idea. Buut. it's a really quiet song." I said back. I complied to Hailey's request though. I went to the acoustic guitar and replaced it with my electric one. I slung it around my body and started to strum it slowly, constantly muting some notes.

I didn't like the feel of an acoustic, it was to light and the sound was a little so hollow. I decided to go put the guitar back on its stand and grab my electric one again.

Hailey rolled her eyes and said, "Why do you like that electric twanger so much. All it does is make screeches that nobody likes."

I looked back at her, I was clearly pissed, "Well, I can replace your drums with a  backup bass guitar and see how much you like it. We do need a backup bass player, Hailey." She looked at me wide-eyed then started to hug her sticks. "After all, people do say a bass guitar is a drum set with strings on it." She shook her head violently, "Okay, i'm done." she said. "Good, just remember, we need a backup player. I will text Ady and tell her to get rid of the drums that are at her house." I replied. I turned around and started to scratch the strings. "Hey wait, if you get me on bass then who will be the drummer?" She asked. I thought for a minute,

"Damn, good question. Hmm," I looked around the room then at Trey. I smirked then turned around quickly, "TREY WILL DO IT, YOU'LL TEACH HIM ALL THE NOTES!" Hailey looked up at me instantly, "Hell no!" Trey said from behind me. I turned around skeptical. I had an idea going in my mind. I knew  it would piss Hailey off so much.

"Trey, your in the band." I said. Trey looked up at me. Hailey looked really mad. Not only did she look mad. She grabbed my shirt and yelled loudly , "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. ARE YOU DRUNK. I KNOW YOUR PARENTS WERE DRUNKS BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT PASSED ON THROUGH THE FAMILY." She screamed. She mentoned my parents. The ones who died.

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