My Ordinary Lunch

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The sun marvelously shone through my bedroom window. The light caressed my desk and the various books and papers that were scattered about. My head was enveloped in my arms on top of the wooden structure.

I slowly poked my head out to look out the window. That light revealed the particles of dust flying around the room.

For a second, I was disgusted at the sheer amount, but that thought quickly faded when a silver pen rolled and flashed my eyes.

I lifted my head, slightly irritated that my rest was disturbed. But, it at least gave me a better view of my surroundings.

It was a gorgeous late-summer afternoon. I could see a slight breeze weaving in and out the tops of the orange-tinted oak trees outside my dorm room window. The environment seemed to have a warm filter to it. The colors seemed saturated ever so slightly to bring out a rare vibrancy. I could not tell whether or not it was because of the window, but it made for a pretty picture.

Paved sidewalks arranged in parallel grids organized the trees. I saw people hustling to their classes tread briskly on the concrete. From my room on the top of the dorm facility, they looked like the colorful insects you would find under forest wood. Always seeming to be acted upon by nature to live their lives.

In between the concrete lines were square patches of greenery that accommodated for the musicians and fraternity brethren that were lounging in between classes.

I felt I could distinctly pull out from all the voices, the chuckles of one of the local school theater troupe playing music. I only could see their movements, but I fabricated their conversations. What they were saying. What they sounded like doing so.

I panned my field of vision to the left and beheld a couple walking hand-in-hand. Their locked hands swung to and fro to the rhythm of their strides. They both turned to each other and I was able to snatch a glimpse of their smiling expressions.

They seemed to be heading to the farthest lecture hall from my field of vision from the window. But before entering, they gave each other a kiss in front of the door and parted at the center entrance and went in opposite direction, entering different doors.

"Hmph . . ." I turned my gaze away from the window towards the mess on my study.

I wasn't bitter!

I just felt I was getting a bit weird is all...

I needed to get my head back on track. I took the silver pen and began to review my notes from my dental assisting class.

"The first molar touches the second bicuspid . . ." out of habit I mumbled the words, "The molars are bi-rooted, meaning two . . ."

My mind paused at that number.


The couple's warm smiles reentered my mind.

I dropped everything to rub my head in attempts to rid myself of that image.

GOD how creepy can I be??

I took control of my pen again and began writing side notes until...


The door behind me slammed open and I was beckoned with a cheerful puppy call.


Shit . . .

It was a feminine voice that wiggled its way into my ears.

"Crispin and Richard are downstairs, we're gonna head out for lunch, let's go!"


"Gimme a sec!" I groaned back, "I'm still working on theーOOF!"

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