Girl Of Two Minds

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 Chapter one-Fifth POV:Lia

I am truly alone. Everyone I know is a stranger I never have seen the same face twice, I am simply cargo, transported here and there used for this and that. I don't even know my name. I’ve been called it, that, her, thing, and just been pointed at. I know almost nothing.I can speak but I don't. I just shut my eyes and block it all out, I stopped caring, I’m only a tool.

Since I was about five I’ve been here I don't know my mother or father. I've never know school or even going on a run. I stay in my tiny cage. It seems a lot smaller know my head and knees brush the top of the cage. I sit hugging my knees so I fit. I don't know how I’m alive. I'm never fed but I don't starve I never drink, but I’m not dehydrated. I'm just special I guess. I hear random conversations in passing were I’m involved. Today however, I learned something about me.

“Is it ready, the girl I mean'

''yes the 5th is done all we haft to do is erase her personality and she'll become hollow, soulless and then we can control the powers''

''amazing I cant wait to see this with my own eyes, I expect you're shipping her out tomorrow.''

''nope the train will be here in an hour''.

Then they left me alone. I am 5th, is that even a name? I am powerful though, I think? Train, what is a train I’ve in shuttles and on these big brown creatures that run really fast 'Horse' I think that's what it's called. The ''Trains'' are huge and loud and fast. So many little carts on it, I’m stored in a place with bags of grain and chairs, like the simple possession I am. I have one guard today, I medium sized man with red hair, but anything he touches turns to ashes in the wind. The train rumbles and I am constantly rocked around and flipped over. I do not like trains. To loud and terrible. I simply sit with my eyes squeezed shut with my hands over my ears and hum a song, I don't remember who's lips sang it to me but I know it by heart.


Perhaps I can reach you, even though you're far away

I send you this message with all my heart

Hope is certainly a compass that points to love

Sleep, sleep gently, for tomorrow is a continent of dreams

Last night you were scared of loneliness

The telepathy in your heart called my name

It's not even a miracle that in the future our hearts will be energy

Sleep, sleep gently, forget your sorrow

The years sink into the sea like the setting sun

I'll jump across the starry sky to collect you

I'll jump across the starry sky to collect you

The man kicks me hard in the stomach through the bars in my cage ''SHUT UP ALREADY'' he yells.

POV: Takumi

My name is Takumi, I am an elemental, a top elemental to be exact. My blood harbors the blood of the earth elemental, the 4th major element and second most powerful. Beside me is the 2nd elemental Ignis, the 4th most powerful, Fire. We are on a mission to track down the Fifth the most powerful elemental to ever exist, today The sons' of Lilith gather, evil rotten grotesque creatures, mixed with odd humans; are gathering said to be transporting information, or an ally of the fifth's. The most powerful elemental lightning. I look to Ignis her long purple hair is tied back in a messy plait, her brown military pants, and red tank top start to glow as she catches fire. ''Ready'', she says her brown eyes glowing crimson.

''Ready'' I answer, ''Let's go.''


The train rumbles more and more but somehow differently. As if someone is pushing it back and forth. A loud BOOM sound lurch forward before we stop. I finally open my eyes and see it's only our car, it looks like we've been melted off the train. Fire surrounds us. I shut my eyes hard, clamp my hands on my ears trying not to feel. The heat eventually ebbs and ash lands on my shoulders. Someone must have put out the flames. My cage is kicked over landing with a thud I hit mt head hard and black out.

Pov: Takumi

Ignis is trying to cut off the right car melting them causing them to go to a halt. I'm in charge of raising hell.

I touch my palms to the ground feeling the surging energy build up. In one swift movement I raise my hand up causing rock pillars to rise up and knock the train side to side. Stopping it one way and another. Causing Lilith's children to pour out weapons raised. A knife zooms past my head I block it easily, then cause stone to rain upon my new attackers more weapons are thrown towards me, “Haft to be quicker than that boys” I yell in a mocking tone laughing while creating boulders, rocks,stone pillars everything in my arsenal of attack. Hopefully ignis has found the car, I can't keep this up forever. Eventually her signal flares, a brilliant rain of fire. The device lands at my feet I pick it up and hold the button transporting myself to her location.

I don't see her though, I don't see any sign of her no fire, no ash, wait no there is ash but not from her. Then I catch sight of them. A beautiful girl in a long dark blue gown with ocean blue eyes and hair. Ignis is looking worse for wear seems to be fighting her. I have no idea who this girl is till I see her attack. Ignis throws beautiful flames her way, her hair turns to water immediately extinguishing it. She is the 1st elemental water. I try to go and help you but she shouts and points to the car. I salute her and run toward it. Looking seemingly deserted except for food and blankets. Why would Ignis say it was this car.

“Well hello there, lovely visitors you guys are giving us a right' good thrashing, but our fun seems to have come to an end'' he appears from nowhere spewing this nonsense.

''I demand you, release your information on the fifth” I shout at him.

“Demand me do you, afraid' not, I haven't got no information only this little thing” he says as he pulls up a small girl in a black dress with long blonde pigtails.

Her eyes are squeezed shut. She's shaking, he throws her behind him causing her to hit some crates she whimpers but tries to stifle any other sounds. She must be an ally of fifth or maybe even her daughter , or sister. I send some pillars at him knocking him over, easier than I thought he would be I think.

My pillars turn to ash he gets up dusts himself off, “this is going to be fun, no” he says cackling madly.

Instead of attacking he just diminishes everything of mine to ash. I start to re-form his ash back into rock this causes him to laugh, blocking my attack he picks up the girl. Taking his hand he turns a black necklace on her to ash causing her to feint and start bleeding till her blood runs black.

“Try this on for size”he says turning and running away.

Her hair turns black, her mouth curls into a sinister smile, she opens her eyes but they have turned black as well.

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