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This is the hardest thing i've ever had to do. Running, i'm being forced to run, it's supposed to build endurance or something. The only thing it's building is a hatred toward running. I need to be powerful at like using my powers, not at being physically fit. I hate exercise. I especially hate Takomi, for his helpful criticism.

"Are you kidding me Lia, i could run faster when i was four!" he yells at me as i try to run.

"Locked."i start to huff out breath,"In. A cage. Never went. Outside. Shut up"

"Shouldn't that make you want to run more?"he asks.

"Never again do i want to hear run and more in the same sentence." i continue to run. I've been at the Hidden mansion as they call it for almost a week. It may be noisy, but it's so nice. Two days after i arrived, Rei suggested training me. Ignis was supposed to train me, then she went on a job. So now i have the trainer from hell. Instead of showing me how to use my power. Or making me mentally stronger against the other girl. I get to run, and lift weight, and drag boulders for hours. Also i haft to do housework as well. I wouldn't mind it, if Takomi didn't go "Missed a spot" every single time.

Quit your complaining this is fun. If your not going to actually run, i will. The other girl enjoys the exercise, and constantly taunts me for not being able to run, or do anything. Sweat pours down my face. I'm having to wear Ignis's old clothes, they may be small on her, but they still don't fit me. Rei said she would take me shopping soon. My hair also gets in the way, it's so long, it hits me in the face alot, even behind my head in a ponytail. I can't wait till Ignis get here, then i can stop this nonsense.

"Lia come back, we're going to do some more training inside. To the weapons room!!" he seems so excited to enter the room filled with different ways to kill people. the weapons room is at the end of a long hallway of the east wing. It's a large room with floor mats, and padded walls in some places. It has a net on the wall, and large displays of weapons of all kinds. The room even has a net on the ceiling used to test your climbing abilities. I though it was a gym, or at least a death gym, but the gym is actually next door. Not even counting the arena, type thing in the back yard.

"You need to learn how to fight, so the rest of your training is combat. we will still be doing exercise things, but mainly combat skills. Your final to beat me, or Ignis, i don't know when she'll be back. So to start, what's the least heaviest thing you can lift?" he ask me. I look around the room, there's not really anything, i think i can even use. They're all so heavy two, some are as big as me. I see a little knife near some swords. It's very pretty for a knife, on the curved blade are roses, that are carved in. I realize why they're there, when you stabbed your enemy, the blood would fill the roses and harden. I don't like this knife very much anymore, but before i can put it down.

"Oh, you like the rose knife, that belongs to Nymph. She used to fight." he tells me. Nymph is a short, extremely nice lady. She's kind of like a healer, and a maid. Her name is Nymph because, she has wings like a Nymph, or a fairy. She hides them alot though. Her hair is always perfect, it's short and honey brown. She always has makeup on, like black eyeliner around her blue orb eyes. They're so blue it's unnatural. Takomi starts to notice me zoning out, he takes my hand and starts pulling over to one of the mats. 

"Now that you have your weapon you need to know how to use it." he goes and brings out a plush dummy. "When using a knife like that you want to get good stomach strikes. It's curved so the blade will cut easier, plus you're short, and you need to hit low." I start glaring at him. I'M NOT THAT SHORT! 

"Okay take a few steps back, and then, GO!" he yells. I run at the dummy, and swing my arm into it's lower half. I don't even leave a scratch. Takomi walks up behind me. He grabs the hand that i'm swinging with."You need to strike harder, you're needing to kill your opponent, not graze him. End the fight quickly, you're not strong enough to draw it out." He becomes serious, instead of teasing me like normal. He must really like fighting.

"What about my powers, can't i just use those?" I ask.

"Not yet, because your not stronger than her. She has the powers, until you make the other girl inside you submit." he tells me.

Like fucking hell i'd do that!! Make me submit absolute bullshit!! You're scared of fucking everything, and he thinks you can fucking make me submit. what a dumbfuck!!

i don't understand why she uses such foul language whenever she says any sentence. Honestly can she just say, i'm hungry. Instead of 'Bitch, since you have the body, make some fucking food'. One day, she's going to learn some manners.

Oh calm your fucking tits, if you had any. Flat fucking chest!! She starts to laugh hard. She has the same body as me, why is she laughing?

"Ready to try again. You two have so many arguments" he says.

"you can hear us??" i question him, hoe does he know we're talking.

"He eyes become really dull, like you traveled inside yourself, and left your body. It's kinda weird." he explains to me.

"I'm ready to try again" i say, a little more determined. I rush at the dummy and drive my knife. It doesn't go perfectly in, but this time i cut some of it. I look out the window and she a car pulling up. Ignis steps out. she's super dirty, even her hair is a little off. Normally it's in a perfect long brain in the back. Now purple strands are sticking up all over the place. she's wearing some bandages too. Strange Ignis isn't normally like this.

"Let's take a break, and go see how she's doing" he seems worried about her. His eyes show lots of concern. Makes me wonder what it's like to have someone care for you. Suddenly i feel sad, does anyone actually care for me around here. I think they just like me for my powers some time. That they smile at me only to be nice. I mean they were expecting..

A taller badass, who already knows how to fight. the other girl suggests.

exactly anything, but me. i'm just a disappointment to them. I must look sad, because Takomi pats me on the head,

"Cheer up, Ignis is here. That means we'll have lots of food!" he rushes down the hall, calling me to follow. I decide to put my thoughts aside and start to run.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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