The Sun Master

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Eventually the crazy lady caught up with us, she was still yelling when we were caught.

"YOU STUPID IDIOTS! IT'S OKAY TO HAVE LONG MISSIONS, BUT NOT TO REPORT BACK. I WAS WORRIED SICK!! I DIDN'T KNOW IF YOU WERE DEAD OR NOT. DID YOU EVEN GET WHAT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TOO?! HMMM, WELL IF YOU DID WHERE IS THE FILE!?!?" she roared. She didn't seem to notice me, i mean her complete attention was on the other too. I actually hope she dosen't notice me, then i'll die just like them. She finally stops shouting, waiting for some answers. Her vivid orange hair bounces around her head.

"Well,"Ignis begins,"We found the train. I found another elemental, the water elemental to be exact, and-" She gets cut off by the woman

"The first, well as the least powerful of the five, she's not as big a threat. Anyway continue"She mutters.

"Well that's all i know i was busy fighting her, i barely won too. She has had plenty of training. Putting that aside Takomi, was the one who went into the car for the information."She finishes

"Why didn't you say that first!! Takomi what exactly happened?" The woman asks

"OK so i got to the car and there was a man guarding the information. He was able to turn anything to ash, i mean anything, even air. He eventually became tired with dealing with me and set off the fifth's cursed side, who by the way is c razy."He tells her.

I'm not crazy, who the hell does he think he is anyway. 'Cursed side" The fuck, i'm 10x better than you. If only i could hit him. The other girl says inside my head.

"Wait Takomi you met the fifth. That's good. So she was their prisoner, i see. Do you know her location. What does she look like. I heard she was fiftteen or so."The woman adds,"That man probbaly an ash-user, or a burnt demon." 

"Well she's right here" He says shoving me forward. I don't think the lady heard him cause when she looks at me she says.

"Are you her sister, or perhaps her daughter,"she says looking at my tiny stature.

"I am the fifth, i'm fifteen"i try to say sternly, but it comes out as a shy whisper.

"Really, you're soo tiny. Anyway, My name is Rei Kington. Nice to meet you" She answers.

Suddenly a howl breaks up our conversation. Rei looks into the forest, he eyes become determined.

"Dark wolves"she says. I have no idea what those are, but Ignis and takomi do.,"Take her back i can deal with them till sundown" Her voice is sharp, and un-fazed. Red eyes appear in the bushes snarling begins.

Takomi puts me over his shoulder and starts running. Two giant black wolves jump from the bushes. Glowing red eyes, and sharp fanged teeth. They're growls are sinister. I stare at them and it seems like they're starring at me. They growls suddenly turn into voices.

"Give us back the fifth"It hisses in a cold tone.

More wolves follow from behind picking up the words and chanting them in a evil chorus. The woman dosen't even flinch. The sun is going down, but she glows. Her eyes glow such a brilliant yellow light.

"Stay back demons"she bellows. Her eyes have turned into pure light, and she starts to rise. She waves her hand, and light shoots from them. Hitting one of the wolves turning him to nothing ness. She shoots for light, but for everyone she kills more take their place. She is so high up it looks as if she is in the sun. She raises both her arms.

"Solar Bomb"She says. A ball of light forms in her hands. As she attacks the sun fades faster. She fires the bomb at the wolves, and once it touches the ground a giant brilliant light; covers everything. The sun finally goes down and there are no more hissing chants, no more red eyes. She has killed them all silencing their voices. She falls from the sky, she looks so graceful. We reach the porch of the large house. Takomi sets me down.

"She must have used all her energy."Ignis says.

"She's okay, the fall might have hurt. But she's most likley laughing about it as we speak." Takomi says back.

"An enitre pack is one thing, but an entire horde is another."She says looking amazed,"Over 50 poped up from the woods,how on earth did they" she looks wonderstruck.

"Don't look so happy,"Takomi answers with a grimace on his face,"It means they'll go to no ends for her"

As they turn around Rei is limping back towards the house. Takomi runs and get carries her up to us.

"I said i was fine dammit. Put me down",She says flailing in Takomi's arms,"Honestly me, one of your mentors being carried by a student. I'm not that weak"She spits.

Takomi sets her down next to me. The three of them start talking, but i'm too lost in though to listen.

Really!? They finally find us, and they send Dark wolves. Those things are too stupid, they would have killed you. They don't exactly play fetch.The other girl is not happy

Those things are scary i say to her

This is exactly why i'm better than you. You're easily frightenend by everything.

That lady, she was as bright as the sun, how did she evn do that. i wonder

You're an idiot, she not even an elemental. She's a Master clearly. Only masters can use power like trhat. She's the Sun Master. the other girl remarks.

"Let's go inside" Rei say," We need to show the fifth to her room"

"You can call me Lia, not just fifth"I say weakly.

Then i walk inside the ginormus house to my new future.

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