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Chapter 4- Alive

june 16-29 i will be gone at a camp that dosen't allow electronics so i will not be updating

prince t out


When i open my eyes, they are already awake. 

"You're awake finally. I was beginning to think you were dead." Ignis says. Our little camp is no more they took down the tent, and put out the fire.

"We are going into town today, then we haft to walk to get to our place" Takomi calls, while he packs up the blankets. I wonder what the town looks like. I've never been anywhere outside of labs, and my cage. This tempory freedom is very fun, but even i know it will end.

After they're done packing up, we head for the town. For once in my life, i'm curious not scared of where i'm heading off too.

"What is the town like?" I ask breaking the dead silence.

"It's not very big. A couple of shops, i think there is an inn. Oh, i almost forgot, this town has a sweet shop. It's famous for it's dark chocolate, so we should try some" Ignis replies.I wonder what chocolate tastes like. I have never felt more alive, and happy than i do now.

Well this is annoying 

The other girl says in my head. She dosen't seem pleased with me going into the town.

Why is this so annoying, we get do taste chocolate!?

You, your annoying. The longer we're out, the longer i haft to wait till you're erased. Seriously when are they going to find us. Is it so hard to find your dumbass? Plus it's not like i can run back to them, and you sure as hell won't.

She is pissed. I don't understand why she wants to go back to those people. They were cruel, evil, and they only want her to kill more people. I decide not to talk to her. I don't want her to ruin my mood

Oh, so now you're ignoring me. I live inside you, idiot.

I look up and see buildings, they're not very big, or tall. So we must be close if i can see them. I want to start running, but then i'd get lost. Just thinking about being free is so amazing. 

We finally reach the clearing, and i can see people. Other real people, who don't want to kill me. I look at the shops. I can only read some of the signs. Each window is filled with some new creation, or invention. I look in one of them and see bright pretty dresses, flowing with a rainbow of colors.

"Do you wnat to go to the sweet shop, Lia" Ignis asks me smiling brightly.

I nod my head. Wanting to try everything, see evrything, do everything. I run up behind her and tap her shoulder.

"What is chocolate like?" i ask shly

"It's delicious. It can be bitter, or sweet. It's creamy, and melts on your tounge. Trust me you'll love it" she answers.

We arrive at the shop it's pastel pink. It looks splendid. Inside it smells like heaven. The display cases are filled with so many things i have never seen in my life. All as colorful as the store. A bubly young girl behing the counter asks us what we would like. She's super short, with bouncy brown curls, that bob up and down with the slighest movement.

"Some bluberries dipped in dark chocolate, and three stawberry cupcakes" Ignis tells her, she hands her some paper, and takes the treats. We sit at one of the tables near the window. The table is bright yellow, with light, soft blue chairs. Takomi hands me one of the blueberries. I stare at it, it looks so nice. I stick the tiny thing and my mouth. It is amazing, and delicious as Ignis told me. I keep getting more and more. They taste soo good, i almost never got food in the labs. Only enough to keep me from starvation.

"Here, this is evn better" Takomi says handing me a pink ball with white fluff on it,"It's called a cupcake"

I grab the 'cupcake' and take a bite of it. It is spectacular as well. I scarf the whle thing down. Ignis and Takomi starte at me , then break out in laughter causing everyone in the shop to stare. I look down and notice i have fluff on my nose and in my hair. Takomi takes a napkin and wipes it off my nose, and my hair. I feel so embarassed, my cheeks burn a little

You are hopeless, understand, hopeless

I think she's trying to be mean, but even she sounds like she's laughing. I laugh too.

"So do like being here, having fun?" Ignis asks me

"I love it, thank you" i answer

" Your welcome, we need to go back to our place, or were gonna be dead" She says looking out the window

I know she's joking, but is till hate her using killing as a joke. I mean she's not actually gonna die, is she/ So why joke about it.

"Master is gonna skin us alive, if we don't get her back" Takomi says pointing at me. I forgotton how they think i'm special. 

So we finish our treats, and leave. It's not a very long walk only about ten minutes, but it feels so far way from the town. We come near a big house, like a mansion. It's huge and has a large backyard filled with diffrent obstacle courses. A  woman is on the front steps she has orange hair, and yellow eyes. She looks very angry. As soon as she sees us she starts running and yells," YOU STUPID IDIOTS YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK YESTERDAY. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD. DID YOU EVEN GET THE INFORMATION ON THE FIFTH!?".

This lady scares the crap out of me. I turn and start running ans screaming. Ignis and Takomi are right behind me.


Who is this lady. Where are they?

I have no fucking clue

~Prince. T out

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