The mysterios hero

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Abigail's POV ( point of view)

I walked to the bus station thinking all the way what happened before or after I passed out. I kept thinking  for hours straight from the moment I got in the car to the moment I woke up but nothing nothing happened my mind was totally blank after I was looking at the University. I decided to just forget about what happened and just go to sleep. I am as normal wearing my pajamas, brushing my teeth and looking in the mirror and all of the sudden I remember the guys face when he saw me woke up he looked shocked as if something was wrong maybe it was just my imagination it probably was so I just forgot about it and go to bed I tried to sleep but the image of me looking at the college and then waking up to a guy kissing ,me well give me mouth-to-mouth, was incredible.

In a way I couldn't even believe it, it was as if a memory had been totally erased from my mind. I cannot remember what happened next I decided to just go to bed.

I remember closing my eyes and going to sleep then I remembered everything or at least most of it I remember getting out of the car and looking at the University that I felt like something caught my hand and covered my mouth and I couldn't move and then I saw the hand of a man I remember he had a tattoo, but I couldn't read it properly. I know that it was man because of the amount of force that he had so I remember going into this like van and looking trying to look out of the windows to see what is going on and then all the sudden something covered my eyes. I was still awake the whole time so I was screaming for my life to see if somebody would hear me but I stopped screaming at one point and started praying. I felt like I was getting out of the car but then something hit my head and I fell unconscious.

Then I regain consciousness and I see the guy kissing me... And the rest is history.

I woke up and looked at the ceiling. I was almost an hour thinking the same questions over and over again.
But why? Why did I dream of this?!

I remembered a little bit... But not all of it. And I literally stormed off, so of course I didn't get the guys number to talk about what happened calmly.

I throw myself in the bed thinking why did this happen to me?
I pray... Since I forgot.
And thanked God for protecting me and got to sleep.

I just didn't realized that that was the beginning of a new adventure for me.
What's going to happen next... Will they meet again or will he become a part of her past like her dad? Will she ever forgive her dad and heal that deep wound in her heart?

I hope you guys enjoyed these new chapters and I just want to say thank you for reading my stories and always remember God loves you, and I
Do too
Kisses, Sofi

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