Chapter 1: Lance

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Keith and I panted heavily, struggling to get air in and out. The heat in the room caused Keith's long, black mullet to frizz. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair to smooth out the knots, but we were both preoccupied with other matters.

We had been subjecting ourselves to a new kind of pain that in the end was strangely satisfying. And even so, Keith and I were exhausted. Sweat ran down our foreheads to our fit bodies, showing the physical extent of our disport. We desired to sit aside for a break, yet we refused to stop. Giving in, giving up, wasn't an option. Never had we pushed ourselves so rigorously in our lives. We were in sync with each other's movements, moving in an ordered manner under the glistening and glittering stars above us. It was a beautiful scene, yet it didn't have to be.

"Have you had enough?" Keith gasped, his eyes narrowing and his speech slightly impaired with heavy breaths.

"We've just started," I replied, a smile forming on my face.

He pushed me onto the floor, taking his sword to bring it towards my neck. My smile didn't compare to his smirk. My expression went blank.

"Six to zero, Lance. You really suck at training. You can dodge attacks pretty decently, but other than that, if I were a Galra soldier working for Zarkon you'd get killed without mercy," he laughed while teasing me.

"What are you talking about, mullet? I was fantastic out there. Didn't you see me swaying back and forth? Did you see the way I slid to avoid your-" I exclaimed, making dramatic hand gestures before getting interrupted.

"That's enough training for one day," Shiro's voice was projected. He bursted through the doors to the training center alerting both Keith and I that it was time for us to report to our lions for flight practice.

"This is the only skill I need to work on, Shiro, please give me and Keith a few more minutes," I whined.

"Keith and I," Keith added, correcting my grammatical mistake. I didn't see the point of the remark. I thought grammar only mattered when written down.

Shiro looked at Keith to see some indication of approval. Keith shrugged his shoulders in indifference and that was good enough of a sign for him. Shiro directed his words towards me, "Fine, only five minutes though, it would be unfair to hold back the other paladins." The previous pilot of the black lion left with his comment lingering in the room as he made towards the exit.

Once Shiro left, we continued our bickering. Keith looked into my eyes, gazing at them more so than glaring, "Lance, you know you could actually use some pilot practice? If you were more accurate with your target hits-"

"Oh please, I don't need advice from you. I would just rather get situated into the battle field. I don't need these silly little recommendations."

"I'm your mentor?" His face indicated confusion.

Allura and Shiro collaborated on creating this partnership activity for us. We were to combine our own strengths to eliminate our weaknesses. It proved to be exceptionally effective for Pidge and Hunk; however, for Keith and I it felt more like a heavy weight. We could never agree on anything. Our weakness happened to be our detestation for each other and our own self worth.

I hated Keith Kogane.

He made my heart ache whenever thoughts of him tainted my mind. I'd lay awake at night puzzled at how he crept into my dreams-

"Whatever," I shrugged it off.

Keith was my superior. He was the best pilot at the Garrison. He was the top of our class. I had always been second. I would always be second. The black lion choose him, the blue lion discarded me. There would be times of self doubt, times of horrible thoughts that lingered within my mind. Did Voltron really need me? Was I holding back the team? Would they kick me out with Shiro back?

The Space Between Us // Klance *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now