Chapter 2: Keith

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"Is Lance going to be okay?" I turned to Pidge, who was manic from Lance's concussion. She had been maintaining his healing pod alongside Allura. They were frantic concerning his subtle injury and I was undoubtedly put on edge. I had presumed that he'd be awake by now, but their extreme faltering confidence was nothing short of worrisome.

Pidge and Allura were the only two females aboard the ship and they had incredible understanding of Altean technology; such a thing was expected of our princess and genius. They were assigned the duty of controlling Lance's vitals. If they were fearful, it was twice as worse for someone who did not exhibit technical knowledge. To put it into simpler terms, I was an absolute wreck. I felt responsible for what happened to Lance. As the pilot of the black lion, I took on the title as the leader of Voltron. Allura frequently assumed the credit for us paladins, if it be triumph or defeat, but for some reason I felt guilty for what had happened.

I didn't know how I got on his nerves earlier. I thought back to when he came into my bedroom for reassurance and how I thought I had properly delivered him that. It seemed like a boulder had been lifted off his shoulders, but then a great and foreign shift had risen, causing me to become his mortal enemy once again.

It was disappointing to come to terms that I must have received more satisfaction from the talk than he did. The fact that he'd come to me in the first place? Even with Shiro being gone, I never thought Lance would stoop down so low. But still, I could never exactly tell what he was thinking.

"He'll be alright," Pidge smiled as she turned her head to look at me. The lights of the cryo-replenisher had stopped flickering and had softened in intensity.

"What a relief," Allura exhaled, taking a seat on one of the palace's many cushioned chairs, "I have no idea how he manages to do this to himself." She lightly dabbed a handkerchief on her left temple of her forehead.

I still could not bring myself to loosen up. Pidge elbowed me, "Keith, Lance is going to be fine. He'll probably just be out for a couple days. Simulators are strenuous and you know that best." She cleaned her glasses by rubbing them on her oversized, green sweater. She promptly placed her large, circular frames back onto her face along with displaying a relaxed expression.

"I really thought this would be the last time," Hunk decided that instead of sharing his typical comic relief, sharing discouraging news when all seemed to be settling down was a better decision. The sentence seemed to slip out of his lips. I brushed aside that he said it, but I didn't discard the meaning.

"What do you mean by last time?" Disheartened confusion was hidden deep within my eyes. My brow furrowed at the thought.

"Oh, you never heard? I thought Pidge would have told you by now," Hunk tried explaining before getting interrupted.

"I thought you were supposed to tell him? Besides, it never seemed too important," Pidge attacked Hunk.

I broke up the bickering between the pilot of the green lion and yellow lion, "Can one of you just explain what's going on?"

Hunk continued with what he had started with, "Well, back at the Garrison, Lance wasn't always a super skilled cargo pilot. I remember when he first started and how timid he was. He'd get motion sickness. I'm definitely worse now of days, with the late start and all, but Lance had always been pretty uneasy flying. He must have been too caught up in beating you that he let his past flying habits slip out."

What an idiot.

Our brief conversation faded and Lance moved away from our choice of topic. Hunk, Pidge, and I continued to congregated in the center of the castle-ship's bay. Allura and Coran, who were in the front, had moved to prepare coordinates to take off to another planet. We would only leave once Lance was out of the emergency pod that he was regenerating in.

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