Chapter 7: Lance

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It had taken a long time for me to come to terms with my sexuality, that I was bisexual. I didn't jump up and down at the discovery, nor did I shout it out to the world. All that it did was deliver this sense of closure. I had finally accepted myself along with my feelings for Keith. And maybe it wasn't considered gay in space? I had flirted with tons of girls while on missions, but I never really considered if they upheld the same sexual preferences as Earth. I was bisexual in that sense alone, yet it wasn't like I was up on space's social norms.

I slept in late. I was emotionally exhausted from the night before, not to mention physically beaten as well. When waking up, I was in a funk from all the sleep I had gotten. I was sure to feel drowsy throughout my day.

I snuck down the hallway, avoiding my team at all costs. The plan was to hide out in the kitchen. It was eerily quiet as I placed one foot down on the floor's tiles. I froze as I felt warm air tickle my neck, "Allura is waiting for you. You can do all that you want to avoid her, but she's going to force you into a conversation one way or the other," Hunk whispered into my ear causing me to jump from the unsuspecting move. He leaned back up, "Have you had the chance to meet Lotor yet?"

I was moody off the sleep high and my failure to go unnoticed didn't help either, "No, why would I have?"

"You know he's the one who saved Keith's life?"

This realization buzzed in my ears and numbed my fingertips, "I guess I'll pay the prince a visit," I sarcastically improvised enthusiasm. Putting a hand on my hip, I looked Hunk in the eye and said what was inevitable, "I have some explaining to do first, don't I?"

He nodded his head, indicating I was correct in my assumption, "You do. I've never seen anyone so angry before. What did Keith do?"

I rose a brow at his question and made up a response, "It's a part of our rivalry, Hunk, I don't need to have a reason."

"I don't think Allura will appreciate that answer." Hunk's remark made me laugh, I was glad to have my day slightly brightened up.

I had no reason to be down, other than knowing that there was a possibly that I wouldn't make it out of Allura's scolding session. If I died from our talk, Keith would go back to piloting the red lion. It was almost funny how things worked out in the end.

I knocked on the door to Allura's quarters. "Who's there?" She projected her voice, while having it be gentle enough to where it didn't come across as threatening.

I replied, "It's me, uh, Lance. Hunk said you'd be here to talk.

It sounded like Allura dropped everything she was doing. After a few, long seconds of waiting, she roared, "Come in."

I opened up the doors, amazed at her spacious bedroom. It was decorated to be fit for a princess. A the tall chandelier hung on the painted ceiling. The crystals reflected on the room's walls to form intricate scenes from what I assumed were from Altean fairy tales. Silk drapes hung from the corner of her room. Large windows allowed for proper stargazing and observing as we passed through space. Her platform bed was twice the size of mine with several beaded throws messing up its presentation. They appeared to be incrusted with the equivalent of Earth's diamonds. My bedroom was tragically bland and momentously tiny in comparison.

It was strange to think that Altean interior design had elements similar to palaces found in Europe. It reminded me of a French château. Her bedroom was like a futuristic take on it all.

The Space Between Us // Klance *UNDER REVISION*Where stories live. Discover now