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[Chapter five]

I walk in through the school doors, my hood covering most of my face like always.

Normal background sounds like locker doors being slammed shut and people talking ring loudly in my ears.

Just as my mind is processing all the different sounds, colours and smells, someone rams straight into my shoulder, almost making me fall.

"Do you not have eyes in that thick skull of yours?!" I almost shout. "Watch where the fuck you're going!"

The kid -most likely a Freshman- runs away, stuttering apologies.

If you can't tell by now, I haven't taken my ADHD pills.

My so called 'mother' sold them to some other druggie for thirty bucks.

Great mother I have, right?

"Nevaeh, calm down!" Megan hisses.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" I snap.

She pulls me away to my locker. "Nev, it's me. Calm down."

I look at her warm brown doe eyes, calming down and making my breathing even. "Sorry, Meg."

She sighs knowingly. "You didn't take your pills, did you."

I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"My--" I cut myself off. "I forgot."

"Nevaeh, you never forget to take your pills." She raises an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Pills for what?" Max's annoyingly familiar voice comes from beside us, saving me from Megan's near interrogation.

Megan looks at Noah, Max and Dylan and nearly faints.

She quickly composes herself. "Her pills for, um, uh--HAPPINESS! Yeah, that's it...happiness..."

"So...drugs?" Max concludes, scratching the back of his neck, his caramel eyes staring into her brown ones.

She gets lost in his eyes. "Y-yeah, drugs." Her eyes widen as she shakes her head. "N-NO! Not drugs! I-uh-um--"

"Lets go, Meg." I start pulling her away. "Before you slip in your drool, faint and make an even bigger fool out of yourself."

"Bye, Nevaeh!" Max shouts from behind us. "Bye, Meg!"


It's lunch time now.

The three amigos didn't show up to any classes which makes me think they were dealing Eggos behind the school.

If they were Eggo-dealing, I'm going to kill Max for not giving me any.

Like every other day, Megan and I sit outside instead of inside the Cafeteria, my brain taking a bit of time to process all the different colours and smells.

All of a sudden, three lunch trays are dropped on the bench and three idiots sit down. Dylan sits next to Megan and I get squashed between Noah and Max.

The Girl in the HoodieWhere stories live. Discover now