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[Chapter eleven]

"Thanks for breakfast, Mrs Ki--Tanya." I cut myself off, smiling sheepishly as I put away the last dish after wiping it. "I should get home now."

"It was no problem, sweetheart." Tanya smiles warmly at me. "I hope to see you soon."

My breath hitches as she wraps her arms around me and squeezes me in a hug. I slowly wrap my arms around her and hug back.

Is it sad that a woman I met only a day ago is more of a mother to me than my own?

I let go and smile softly before turning around and walking out of the kitchen.

"Vaeh, don't go!" A voice screams and small arms latch around my waist.

"I have to. Sorry, Kid." I chuckle, ruffling Danny's hair. "I'll see you later, okay?"

He sighs dramatically. "Okay!"

I chuckle as he stomps into the kitchen, demanding Tanya to let me live here.

I wish I could, Danny Boy.

"Boys, you wouldn't mind going to the grocery store for me, would you?" Tanya walks into the living room.

"Of course not, mum." Noah smiles at her.

Huh, he's a momma's boy.

"Sure, Tanya!" Max and Dylan exclaim in unison.

"Nevaeh, you should come with us!" Max shouts, turning to me excitedly.

I shrug. "Nah."






Tanya smiles at me before walking back into the kitchen.

"We should stop by Nevaeh's house first." Noah pipes up, making everyone look at him.

"Why?" Dylan asks in confusion.

"So she can get changed." Noah rolls his eyes. "I don't think she wants to walk around in sweatpants that could fall down any second."

"Huh, pretty boy isn't as dumb as he looks." I shrug, walking out of the house, hearing Max and Dylan burst into laughter. I can practically feel Noah glaring daggers into the back of my head.


Max pulls up to my house and parks at the side of the road. I hop out of the beat up jeep and walk up to my front door, unlocking it and going inside.

I see my mother passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of beer in one hand and a burned out cigarette in the other.

I shake my head, sighing. What's new?

I rush up to my room, changing into a pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, and my hoodie.

I go back downstairs and jot down a note.

Gone to outer space. Be back before dinner.
-Santa Clause

I'm probably going to get my ass beat for this when I get back home.

I roll up my sleeve and look at the scars and cigarette burns.

I sigh and pull my sleeve back down, running out of the house and to Max's jeep, -which he named Stella- hopping inside.

I still don't know why he would name his jeep Stella.


"Guys, we should make this more interesting." Max speaks up as we walk in through the automatic doors of the supermarket.

"Keep talking, idiot." Dylan rolls his eyes as Max pauses dramatically.

"We split into pairs and get one half of the lost each. Which ever team gets all their items first, wins and the loser buy them lunch." Max explains.

"I'm in!" Dylan exclaims.

"Sure." I agree.

"Whatever." Noah shrugs.

"Alright, teams, me and Dylan, Noah and Nevaeh!"

"Why do I have to be stuck with the grumpy little dwarf?" I question, crossing my arms.

"Why don't you make like Snow White and eat a poison apple? That way I won't have to listen to your annoying ass." Noah bites back.

"This is why you two are partners." Max says. "Maybe you'll learn to stop arguing."


"Or maybe they won't." Dylan states as he and Max watch Noah and Nevaeh fight over who has to push the trolley.

The Girl in the HoodieWhere stories live. Discover now