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[Chapter forty-five]


"So this bitchass asked you to be his girlfriend last night, and now he's sucking faces with the K-Mart knock off version of Princess Leia?" Fifteen year-old me summarises everything Heaven just told me.

"Yup." She glares at her cheating boyfriend who is making out in the school hallway with a girl who's hair is done up in two buns.

"Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?" I whine.


"What if I break his nose a little?" I compromise.

"Vaeh." She gives me a warning look.

"Shutting up." I put my arms up in surrender. "Okay, I have a solution."

"Thank goodness."

"It involves fire."

"Absolutely not."

"Come on, I'll just burn the tip of his peanut dick off." I tell her.


He stops kissing the Princess Leia knock off and starts walking down the hall towards us, not knowing we just saw everything.

"Heaven!" He calls. "Hey, babe!"

He throws his arm around me and I tense up.

"Boy, if you don't get your damn arm off me, I'm going to pop you right in the mouth and drag your little fifteen year old, Gollum looking ass down to the fiery pits of hell." I seethe.

He gives me a shocked look and removes his arm. "Damn, mami, are you on your period?"

My eye twitches before I turn to Heaven. "What do you see in this dumbass?"

He gives me an offended look. "Heaven, wha—"

"That's Nevaeh. I'm Heaven." Heaven cuts him off, making him immediately step away from me and closer to her. "I saw you sucking faces with Princess Leia over there."

He looks like a deer caught in headlights. "It's not what it looked like."

"It's not what it looked like!" She mocks him in a high pitched voice. "Man, we're done. Get your Gollum looking ass out of here before I let Nevaeh whoop your ass and set your dick on fire."

He immediately scrambles away.

"Cinderella should've forgotten the prince and kept the shoes." I roll my eyes. "Boys are rats."

"Pubescent boys are rats." Heaven corrects. "I'm sure we'll find guys that aren't absolutely trash when we're older."

"Yeah, whatever." I shrug. "Want to ditch and go get ice cream?"

"Hell yeah."


My eyes flutter open and all I see is white.

"Am I dead?" I croak out.

"No, you arse." I hear Noah's deep British accent come from my right side. "You're in the hospital."

He helps me sit up before grabbing a cup of water and handing it to me.

"I'm not thirsty."

"Nevaeh Carter, I swear to god, if you don't drink that damn water I'm going to pour it down your throat." He threatens.

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