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[Chapter fifteen]

"Is it weird that I think Billy's kind of hot?"

All three boys look at me with disgusted faces before replying in unison. "YES!"

"No, honey, I agree with you." Tanya says, not taking her eyes off the screen, eating a piece of popcorn.

Here we are, watching Scream. Somehow I ended up squished between Max and Noah.

A very hyper Max and a very emotionless Noah. But then again, what's new?

"Mum!" Noah stares at his mother with his nose crinkled in disgust. Need I say that he looks adorable?

"What?" Tanya looks at him. "I'm a single lady. And yes, I did just quote Beyoncé. And shut up, yeah?"

"I will not shut u--" Noah cuts himself off when he sees Tanya giving him a warning glare. "Yes, ma'am."

We all turn back to the T.V and focus all our attention on the movie.

"You're crazy. Both of you."

"We prefer the term psychotic."

"Shaggy really took too much pot this time." I state, making Dylan and Tanya chuckle and Max burst out laughing. Noah just stays emotionless like always.

Stupid rock.


Max rushes to pause the movie before anybody can be brutally murdered in front of Danny's innocent eyes and we all stand up as said little boy walks into the living room and looks between us.

His eyes then drift to the T.V, his face scrunching up. We all share a look before following his gaze.

"Well, that's quite a comprising position." Noah states a few seconds later, his British accent thick.

Stu is resting his head on Billy's shoulder from behind as they corner Sidney.

It looks like they're fucking. Enough said.


Tanya slaps Noah on the back of the head and Max slowly inches in front of the T.V, blocking Danny's sight of it.

"Oh, would you look at the time! You have school tomorrow! Time for bed!" Tanya rushes out, pushing Danny up the stairs.

"Mum, it's only seven o'clock." Danny says in confusion.

"Well, then it's bath time." Tanya picks him up and rushes up the stairs.

Max movies away from the T.V and we well look back at the screen.

I pop my lips. "Damn, Shaggy, how many Scooby Snacks did you have?"

Max bursts out laughing again, bending over and slapping his knee. He looks like a fool.

Dylan chuckles and Noah just stays emotionless.

"I gotta pee." I announce, making my way to the stairs.

"Thanks for telling us." I can practically hear Noah rolling his eyes as he says yet another sarcastic thing.

"You're welcome." I call back as I get to the top of the stairs.

"Goodnight, Vaeh!" A small body latches onto my waist, hugging me tightly.

"Night, kid." I ruffle Danny's hair.

"C'mon, Danny, time for bed." Tanya says from the doorway of his room.

Danny runs off and Tanya smiles at me before walking into the room with Danny and shutting the door.

Tanya pokes her head back through the door and throws something at me. I catch it.

"I washed your hoodie for you since it was my son's fault it ended up soaked with fizzy drinks." Tanya whispers, making me lift the my hood up and smile at her.

I walk to Tanya's room, change hoodies -leaving the football hoodie folded neatly on Tanya's bed- before walking into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me.

I do my business and wash my hands.

As I'm drying my hands with the hand towel, a bottle of pills on the edge of the sink catches my attention.

Being the nosy little shit I am, I pick up the bottle.

They're prescribed to Noah.



"Alright, spit it out."


"I know you're dying to say something to me." Noah stops outside my front door, making me turn to him. "So spit it out."

Should I tell him I found the pills?

No! He might rip out my tongue and wring my neck with it!

It's always better to be honest though.

Not when the person you're being honest with can rip out your tongue and wring your neck with it!

"I, well, I found a--I found out who that hoodie belongs to." I change what I was going to say last minute.

That's just as bad a thing to say!

"You...you did?" He looks like he's been punched in the gut.

"I...yeah. Your mum told me." I rub the back of my neck.

"Well, it's-it's none of your business." He snaps. "And don't give me any sympathy either. You don't kno--"

"Don't fucking say I don't know how it feels to lose someone!" I snap back before lowering my voice to a whisper. "I...I've lost people too."

He sighs regretfully, looking at the ground. "Carter--"

"Goodnight, Noah." I cut him off, turning around and opening my door, walking inside.

As I shut the door I hear him growl in frustration. "Why do my people skills suck?!"

I shaking my head, locking the door and walking into the living room.

I find my mother asleep on the couch, an empty beer bottle in hand.

I sigh, walking over. I remove the bottle from her hand, placing it on the coffee table before grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and putting it over my mum.

I bend down, kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, mum. I love you."

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