Reunion (Requested)

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Yugiohatemfan1 I'm so, SO sorry it took so long for me to write this really short little thing. My creativity for this subject was just not working and it wasn't until I saw a Picture, or a text?, about DSOD that I finally managed to come up with an idea. And I really hope you like it! 

Again sorry for the long waiting time but I hope this short Little thingy can make it up for the wait! I wish you all a happy Reading!(I sound so sappy... Is that a Word?)


"I-I can't believe this." Yugi shacked his head in disbelief, this just couldn't be true. "I didn't think you would be able too... I mean, how, Kaiba how did you, do this?"

"I told you I could do it didn't I? I actually managed a few weeks ago but I needed to make sure everything was fine before I could show him to you."

Yugi blinked as he slowly moved his gaze over to the taller teen beside him, before quickly looking back at the one standing in front of him. Afraid the other would vanish if he took his eyes off of him for to long.

Yugi had to admit, he was shocked. Sure he had been surprised and quite curious when Kaiba had called and asked, more like ordered, that he should come to his mansion immediately but back then he had only thought that Kaiba wanted to duel him or something. But this, this was so far of the list it didn't even exist. And even now, while he was standing and looking at something he had once thought was impossible he still couldn't believe it. It just couldn't be real, but it was. He knew that all to well now, together with his now blue and purple arms.

Though he had to say, it was quite weird. Yugi was so used to looking at him and only see a, ghost. He had always been able to look right through him, if they hadn't been in the puzzle or switched control but that was something entirely different. Inside the puzzle he had a body yes but he still couldn't feel like he could when they had switched. However when they switched Yugi couldn't touch him or anything else for that matter. Since he was technically a ghost at that time. It was always a wall standing between them no matter what.

A hand reached out to touch the arm of the one still standing in front of him and slowly it made contact with what could only be described as, skin. Warm, soft skin.

Yugi moved his hand away and looked up at the face of the other. His cheeks were quite red and he was fidgeting with his hands awkwardly while looking at Yugi with a look he couldn't really describe. The closest he could get was embarrassment, thou Yugi couldn't put his finger on why. Not that it mattered. He could ask about that later but for now, Yugi only wanted to do one thing.

With a speed that took the one in front of him by surprise, Yugi moved his arms around the other and hugged him close. Ignoring the way the other flinched at his touch and how he didn't hug him back. He didn't care. The other could've hated him for all he cared, he would've still been holding him like this. Nothing could change that fate.

"I missed you, I missed you so much."

"I-" Yugi moved back and put his hands on the others shoulders, staring right into the pair of crimson eyes he had missed to much.

"You can talk too right? And does it hurt, the transfer I mean? You don't get hurt by it right? Can you feel like I do? How does that work, I mean your an... Can it feel? If that can feel then you can too right? Are you stuck in here, you can go back right? And Kaiba hasn't done anything to you right? I mean-" A hand moved up to stop the rambling teen. A smile playing on the owners lips.

"First, no the transfer doesn't hurt me and yes I can feel like you do however I don't know if the AI can too. Second yes I can go back, I've done it a few times now and lastly no, Kaiba hasn't done anything other then help me adapt to this new body." A huff was heard from behind and Yugi looked back to see Kaiba with a frown on his face as he walked towards the smaller teens.

"What exactly do you mean when you ask if I've done anything?"

"Nothing special." Yugi says as he grins at the other before turning his attention back to his best friend. "Alright just, one last question." He says and the other nods."Should I call you Atem or Yami?"

"That's your choice. For me it does not matter. I see both of them as my real one." Yugi smiled and hugged the other again, who happily complied and hugged him back.

"I still can't... You mean as long as your inside this body you can do whatever you want?" Yugi asked and Atem nodded, after taking a quick look over at Kaiba to make sure he wouldn't say anything wrong.

"Yes, however for the moment I can't walk to far away from here. If I walk outside of the mansion the body starts to vanish and I get transported back to the afterlife." Yugi looks at his friend for a moment before smiling brightly as an idea pops up in his head.

"Then, I guess everyone just have to come here until Kaiba can figure that one out!"


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