Two side of one Coin

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Finally asleep...

A blinding color of light covered up the small room before a young boy slowly sat up. His eyes the color of blood carefully blinks before he rubs them gently and a soft yawn escapes soft lips as the boy stretches. 

Why's he always so slow...

He takes his time to look around the room before standing up. The big necklace, formed as an upside down pyramid, moves sightly when its master moves and a low light emanates from it. 

The small boy walks over to one of the walls, using the light from the puzzle as his guide. He's never had any trouble seeing in the dark, not even in the darkest of nights, however he noticed the first night that it was better to keep at least a small source of light in the room, if not his body would start shaking and his mind would go blank. He knew that if he let this happen again he would most surely walk into the wall or do something stupid. He had already had a close call and he didn't feel the need to have another one. 

Turning the lamp switch on he blinked rapidly as the room light up. He still wasn't used to the fast change from darkness to light.

The puzzle around the boy's neck stopped glowing and the boy walked over to another corner of the room. There he crouched down and started looking through a box. 

What to play now?

For three weeks had the small boy followed the same routine. Wait for his other side to fall asleep before taking control of the body to try and find something to play with, he was quite bored inside the puzzle and so far the other version of him hadn't shown any sign of weakness from his nightly routines, which he took as a sign to continue. 

However, some nights the boy couldn't find the strength in him to play and so he usually stayed on the bed, looking out the window. His mind started to wander these nights and the direction his thoughts took always scared him. He was the other side of the one who solved the puzzle, they were one and the same person. This was a thought he had learned to keep close, since it kept him sane. If they were the same person then it explained why he were where he was, it didn't leave any questions unanswered, at least not in his mind. 

But some nights those thoughts would turn the other way. What if he wasn't a part of this boy? What if he and this boy who he shared a body and mind with wasn't the same person? Who was he then? Why was he in the puzzle, why were his body scared of the darkness, why can't he remember anything other then the times of when he was with this boy? Who was he? 

He never managed to figure out the answers to these questions and that scared him. If they wasn't the same person then does that mean that he came from the puzzle? If that was the case then why had he been in there, or why was he in there? What had he done? 

The boy suddenly realized that his hand was stuck in midair and his breathing had become raspy and quick. Slowly he moved his hand back before sitting down on the cold wooden floor. He put his arms around himself as he tried to calm his raging hearth and get control over his breathing.

And so he stayed for the rest of the night until the clock on the nightstand rang and his other side woke up, confused about finding himself on the floor. Holding himself tightly. It wasn't until the young boy had walked into the bathroom that he noticed how his eyes looked more red then usual. 

A frown crossed his face as he remembered the other nights when something similar to this had happened, only, this was the only time the other part of his soul, the one who was stuck in the puzzle, had been crying. 


So I decided to start a new book where I write one-shots. I realized that I have far to many ideas and I can't make all of them into a book so I created this one instead. 

Oh and if anyone is wondering, Yugi knows about Yami and Yami knows about Yugi, however Yugi knows that Yami is his own person, while Yami thinks he's the same person as Yugi since that is easier for him to understand. 

Bye Bye then

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