In The Name Of Love Part 2

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Warning: blood, psycho people, bone breaking, Ehm, graphic explanations of dead bodies and stuff.

Don't really know how much warnings I have to take in, I guess if you're really sensitive then maybe not read it, but from my perspective it's really not the worst. (cause I ain't that good at writing horror and, stuff, yet) 

"What are you doing?"

"What, you never noticed? They always looked at all of you, all the time. It was getting rather irritating"

"What does that matter? We didn't care about them anyway and you all should know that!" Seto was getting frustrated now, everyone could see that much. But he was stuck. There was nothing he could do. And he loathed it.

"We do. But they need to learn to not look at what belongs to us. Or there will be consequences." The creepy smile was back again, shadowing once innocent and beautiful smiles.

"I think they've learned now just let them go."

"No. Already forgotten? I said there will be consequences." Seto glared at Ryou. But he did nothing more then continue smiling. Thou it was softer now, having a more gentle sense. He almost looked like he'd always done before.

"You haven't even given them a chance!" Bakura too was getting rather frustrated with whatever it was that was going on. Nothing made sense and he hated not being in control. Marik was starting to have the same problems as he ever so slowly lost his calm.

But it wasn't just anger that floated on the surface of their minds. No one wanted to admit it, but fear was holding a strong grip on them as well. After all they've never seen their lovers act this way before. It wasn't right.

"We have. You just wasn't there to hear it." Joey started talking this time. He'd been quiet for almost the whole time they'd been here. If that was good or bad no one knew. If they had anything to say then they would've most likely just walked right home and forget this day ever happened. But luck wasn't on their side today and neither was it for the five girls in front of them.

Look of shock and fear covered the girls faces. Would they die here? What were they gonna do to them? Were the constant thoughts that ran through their minds. Not knowing that their answers were closer than they thought.

"What are you gonna do?" Duke had too been quiet through the whole ordeal. Not really knowing what to say or act and instead just let the others try to figure it all out. But it seemed they were going nowhere.

"Something special that I'm sure you will all love." Five voices in perfect synq. It almost felt like they had been planing this for weeks before hand. Their answer, tactics, everything was too well thought out to just had been some sort of random impulse they just suddenly got.

Suddenly without a moment of hesitation had Yugi moved his hand to the right and, with a knife no one had seen, scar he up the eye of one of the girls. He did it with such finess that no one at first reacted. Not even the girl as she didn't have the time to fully register the pain that went through her. It wasn't until she realized she couldn't see as clearly as before that everything hit her. A blood shot scream filled the room but nothing more. No one else then the screaming girl were able to move, instead they only looked at her, faces filled with shock, fear, confusion everything. Neither of the five tied up teens knew what to do in this situation, since they've never been in anything like this before. At least, not involving five of the people they love the most.

Before long were there only whimpers heard in the cold hard room. But it didn't last for long.

"You see now? They need toe be punished for what they did." Yugi said cheerfully as he cut the other eye out, more slowly this time but still with the same finess and talent as before. Yami felt sick to the stomach as he realized that Yugi looked lika a professional doing g his work. How many times had this happened before?

A sick crack throw Yami out of his thoughts and his eyes widened as he looked at Tristan, holding one of the girls hands in his. Breaking her finger one after one. The sound that came to surface for every finger he broke made him shiver and the sick feeling he had turned worse.

A knife made its way on the girl's bodies, tearing up their flesh, little by little. Making the blood inside them seep out onto the floor. But not enough to kill. Death wasn't something that was gonna come so easily. Defenetly not, to people who had ignored their warnings and continued on with their little games.

The five teens knew exactly where and where not to cut in order to keep their "victims" alive. And they used all this knowledge to their advantage.

Still without killing them they slowly and carefully went about their way to break every bone in their body. They wanted their loved ones to see how disgusting these women looked like inside. And the only way to do that, of course, was to open them up.

Quiet sobs was all the girls had the energy to make as they continued to slowly lose the light of hope.

"Why aren't you smiling? You should be happy. They get what they deserve for what they did." Ryous voice filled the room. Snapping some of the others back to reality.

"Smiling? Happy? Are you out of your damn mind? Why the hell should we be happy about this?!"

A frown crossed the standing fives faces. But it didn't stay for long.

"Ah I see. You need a bit more to be able to... Well we can make that happen!" A happy smile crossed the others faces.

The walls had been gray before. It wasn't a beautiful colour but it fit the room pretty well. Cement floor and gray, almost white like walls, they worked well together.

If you add a little colour to it all it would've probably had looked more, interesting. Maybe a nice light blue, brown or maybe even yellow. Just a tad bit more colour and it wouldn't have looked as boring as it did.

Red could probably fit as well. A light, almost white like red could've made the room look more light. A dark red thou? A red with the colour of blood, it darkens the place, making it almost uncomfortable to be in.

Walls the colour of blood, smell so strong and disgusting it almost makes your eyes tear up. That was the scene the tiny room had turned into. Fifteen teens had been in there, but only ten remained, alive.

The lost five was still in the room, or their bodies were. But they were all deprived of life.

But it wasn't all bad. They had been turned into decoration. Red colour filled the walls. Nails and lost fingers laid flat out on the floor together with the organs inside of one's bodies. Or, that's what it looked like it was. Destroyed beyond repair. It was impossible to know, to see what everything was supposed to be. Had been.

But the dead bodies were not the only thing who lost something. Thou which one was worse, is a hard question to properly answer.

Five girls were dead. All because they had been interested in the wrong people, and these people have to live with this for the rest of their lives.

But maybe that's not too bad. They'll always have the ones they love, and loved close to them.

Never able to part with them.

O.o.O.o.O.o.O O.o.O.o.O.o.O.
I wrote this one differently then the first chapter it was no accident. I'm experimenting with different writing styles and this small chapter was not that easy to write the way I did with the last one so I had to change it. I think this worked out pretty well thou, but, yeah i could've put in more, of the gore stuff or how you wanna call it. But I wasn't too sure how to write it in order to sound good so, this happened. Yeah.

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