Human Ladder

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The storm clouds moved slowly in as they carefully started to cover the now distant sun. It wasn't long before the rain softly started to fall down, first slowly before it gradually caught speed and soon the whole sky opened up as the rain feel down. Anyone who would dare walk outside would find themselves wet within a few seconds and so, most people were inside their houses, keeping themselves dry and warm. One of these people were Yugi Mutuo, a young boy by the age of twenty four who lived, together with his boyfriend, in a rather large apartment. His boyfriend was currently laying in their shared bed, eyes closed and breathing calm as he peacefully slept. A book was placed between his hands, gently laying on his stomach and moving ever so slightly whenever the boy would breath.

Yugi looked at him, a soft smile on his lips as he carefully closed the door behind him before making his way towards the kitchen. He'd had an irritating feeling the whole day and found that he could no longer ignore it and so, with determined steps he walked into the kitchen and glanced up. Reaching up his arm he used all his height to reach the small cabinet and slowly he managed to open it, only to feel himself tripping and falling on his butt as the door to the cabinet flew open. A loud bang echoed around the kitchen as the door flew into the wall and Yugi cringed at the loud sound.

Shacking his head he stood up and looked up at the cabin, a determined glint in his eyes. He took one step forward before launching himself up, one hand outstretched as he desperately tried to get what he wanted so badly, but it was no use. A scream escaped his lips as he felt his leg collide with the cabinets who had been conveniently placed closer to the ground, and with his focus gone his hand slipped and he only managed to get a hold of the bottom of the small cabinet. He growled in frustration as he dangled, the only thing keeping him from falling down being his one hand.

Yugi growled again as he started to feel the strength in his hand vanishing and in a desperate attempt to get the jar he used his last strength to fling his other arm up, reaching for the brown jar of deliciousness, but he was to slow and before he could blink had his hand lost its grip and he once again found himself on the ground.

"Dammit, why are you doing this to me!" Yugi yelled out in frustration as he pointed an accusing finger at the still open cabinet.

"What are you doing?" A low baritone voice asked and Yugi whirled around and looked up into two confused Crimson eyes.

"Oh, sorry Yami, did I wake you?" Yugi asked but Yami only shacked his head as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Yawning he walked forward and stretched out his hand to the other, helping him up of the ground.

"What were you doing anyway?" Yami asked as he looked up at the cabinet. Blinking slightly before looking back at Yugi who glared at the offending peace of furniture.

"I wanted to get a cookie for you. I remember you saying before that you wanted one and, I've been hungry for one myself the whole day as well so," Yugi explained and Yami chuckled.

"Why didn't you just ask me to help you?"

"I didn't want to wake you up."

"Well I'm awake now, come on let's get that thing down." Yami said and Yugi laughed.

"Alright! Now, I'll just stand here," Yugi said as he moved and stood in front of the cabinet moving his feet slightly apart so he could keep his balance before looking over at Yami. When they had first meet had Yugi been the smallest of the two, even though he was the oldest by two years, however over the years he had grown and was now standing a few inches taller than Yami. On top of that he was also stronger then the other as he had to keep himself well trained for his job. This had made the two decided that the best way for their trick to work would be with Yugi on the bottom and Yami on the top.

Carefully Yami, with the help of Yugi, got up on the others shoulders and, after making sure he wouldn't fall of the other, he moved forward and grasped his hand around the cookie jar and took it out. He then opened it and took out two cookies before placing it back where it belonged. Swiftly he then turned to the left and jumped off of the other, landing on the floor and giving the other one of the brown cookies.

"The human ladder never fails!" They both said in sync before simultaneously taking a bite of their cookies, a grin on their faces as they laughed.

Me and one of my friends somehow managed to come into a conversation about short people, and so this idea was born!

Hope you liked it!

Bye bye then

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