In the name of Love Part 1

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Just a quick note, Marik is Yami Malik and Malik is well, Malik.


A cloud of darkness was the only word he could use to describe it. It was neither cold or warm it was, nothing. And still it had some form of power over him. His head was spinning and had he been able to see was he sure the world would’ve been spinning as well. Just the thought of it made him sick. A wave of nausea hit him and he forced his body to relax in order to get control of the sick feeling he had in his body. Why was he feeling so sick? What happened?

Something warm touched his arm, he couldn’t say what it was only that it somehow felt very familiar. The touch was gentle and soft while also being firm, almost possessive in some way. Who was it? It was so familiar but he just couldn’t remember.

“Time to wake up,” So familiar and still not. Gentle and beautiful, but a ring of possessiveness rings in the strangers voice. Or could he even call this person a stranger? After all he knew him, he wouldn’t have recognized the voice and touch if he hadn’t, right?

“We have a surprise for you.” A new voice. It wasn’t as recognizable as the other one, but he had definitely heard it before. Who were-

“What the hell!?” A third voice interrupted his thoughts, this one sounding more frightened or maybe, shocked? Whatever it was, this guy's voice didn't hold the same gentleness as the other two's. Was he maybe then in the same situation?

Feeling his curiosity getting the better of him was he slowly able to finally open his eyes. But as the darkness around him started to clear, he immediately wished he hadn't.

"Yugi?" His voice was low, barely above a whisper. Indicating that he hadn't been talking for a while. How long had he been out?

"Morning Yami" A somewhat disturbing smile crazed the others lips. "I hope you're not too uncomfortable. We tried to make it as nice as possible for you all." We? A quick blink was all that was needed before his mind finally became clear and more then ever he wished to go back to whatever dark place he had been at before.

Something didn't feel right. The way Yugi acted, the way the others had talked, the overall atmosphere in the room it was all, wrong. A cold shill ran down his back as he saw the still slightly disturbed smile on his lovers face widen.

“Where are we?” The same angry voice from before. Bakura.

“And why are we tied up?” Marik. Was everyone here? A quick turn of the head confirmed his suspicion. Kaiba and Duke was tied up not far from them and standing at their sides were Honda and Jonouchi. On his other side was Bakura and Marik, with Ryou and Malik.

“To make sure you won’t get hurt.”

“We can’t have that happening.” Ryou and Malik smiled towards them before moving back and out of sight. When did they start talking like that? Taking a glance at the others, he noticed that they too knew something was up. Even Kaiba looked slightly disturbed and he hardly shows anything while around other people. Always needing to keep a stone cold face for reasons Yami never could understand.

“Yugi, what’s going on?” While he’d been lost in thought had Honda and Jonouchi too walked away somewhere. Leaving only Yugi to answer their questions, thou from the look on his face Yami doubted they would even get an answer.

“You’ll see soon enough don’t worry.” A word meant for reassuring wasn’t working a single bit. Had Yugi always been like this?

“This is ridiculous. Let us go!” Seems like Duke was getting tired of it all as well. However the mystery game was still on as Yugi only made a quick smile towards him before turning around. He didn’t walk away, only stared. Waited.

The shill came back and Yami moved his body instinctively towards Bakura who was the one closest to him. It didn’t help much but the fact that someone he trusted was close to him was enough to calm down some of his nerves.

“This is giving me the creeps. Almost feels like some form of execution.” Everyone looked at Marik weirdly, but neither said a word as they all silently agreed with the odd statement.


This was a request from tmnp77. I really hope you liked the first chapter, even though barely anything happened….

But it all has a good reason! I don’t want to write too long chapters in this book and since the idea I got turned into a little bit bigger then I first thought, I've turned this into a two part one. With the next chapter being a little bit more, weird. I hope.

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