Chapter Eleven

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Christian Brooks

It was 4:30 in the morning and I just couldn't sleep. After that conversation with my dad I started feeling uncomfortable here. My mom started acting weird too. I just wanted to get back to Miami.

A blunt is needed more than anything right now.

The only good thing is Imani is really enjoying herself. Even though my dad is giving me and Jordyn the cold shoulder, he's still spoiling our daughter.

But how can you be nice to a kid and disrespect their parents? That's fucked up. His issue with Jordyn is something that I'll never understand and I'm not even about to try to.

Eventually I got tired of being up so I went and climbed in bed without trying to wake up Jordyn but that was no luck. She turned and looked at me.

"I was wondering when you'd come to bed." She said.

"I wasn't tired. Still not sleepy to be honest."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Go back to sleep baby."

"You can talk to me Chris."

Take a deep breath, I rubbed my face. "It's the same shit with my dad and it just feels awkward here all of a sudden. I can't wait to get back to Miami."

"Just a few more days and we'll be gone. Remember we're doing this for Imani."

"I know baby, I know."

"Everything is going to be ok. Your dad isn't the first person to dislike me so I'll survive. One day he'll come to his senses hopefully." Jordyn kissed my cheek then climbed on top of me.

"But he has no reason not to like you though. That's the part that's tripping me out the most."

"Chris don't stress it. It's not bothering me so don't let it bother you."

"Alright, I'll let it go."

Jordyn started kissing my lips.

"So I was thinking." I said while gripping her hips. "Maybe we can go on another date tonight? I don't want this trip to be completely terrible."

"Really? Where?"

"Something simple but we still have a good time. I'm thinking movies and dinner or bowling and dinner."

"I can't remember the last time I've even been bowling or to the movies."

"How about we do both?"

"What about Imani?"

"I'm sure my mom won't have an issue watching her."

"I feel like I haven't spent anytime with her since we've been here. My poor baby probably feels neglected."

"Naw, the way my momma been spoiling her I doubt it."

"Yeah, but-."

"No buts, let's enjoy ourselves today. I need this and you need this too."

Taking a deep breath, Jordyn sat up. "Yeah, I can't keep sitting in this house."

"Alright let me go see if my mom cool with keeping an eye on Imani."

She climbed off of me and I went to find my mom. Even though it's early as hell shes usually up. As I got closer to my parents room I heard them talking. My dad is the last person that I want to see right now.

As soon as I knocked on the door their conversation came to a quick hault.

"Come in." My mom said after clearing her throat.

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