Chapter Twenty-Six

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It's short and boring but I wanted to update.

The updates for this is going back to how it used to be. It's time to finish this book so that I can start another one. No new books will be started until this book and Player III is finished.

I thought about putting it on hold but, this is one of my fav stories.


Jordyn Edwards

I've been mopping around the house all day since Chris left. All I kept thinking about was how much of a bad idea this was. I wanted to lay in bed all and just be sad today but mama J forced me out the house and told me to have a little retail therapy.

If I was going to do retail therapy I wanted to spend some big bucks, so I decided to go to the Miami Design District. This place is my weakness. All of those designers just begging me to spend money. I wanted to bring Imani, but she suggested that I spent some time to myself.

Chris hasn't called and he's been gone for two days. I've text and called him but I don't get a reply. This is the last thing I need.

After buying myself, damn near an entire store, I headed to get something to eat. This pregnancy has me eating out a house and home. All I think about is food, if I'm not somewhere being emotional about the simplest thing.

Something else about this pregnancy is I'm always horny! My hormones are through the damn roof and the fact that MY dick is all the way in New York, pisses me off. Thank god I wasn't like this with Imani, it would've been a horrible situation because I thought that nigga was dead.

The bougie food in the District wasn't going to work for me, I needed something greasy and unhealthy. Chris wasn't here to stop me so I was going to enjoy this.

The first burger joint I saw, I stopped and ordered and double bacon cheese burger and a large fry. I planned on eating once I got to my next stop but as soon as the smell of the food ran up my nose, I pulled into a parking spot and devoured that food.

You know the food is good when it makes moan just like dick do.

Ugh, I need some dick. Dammit Chris!

Once I finished eating, I went to do some shopping for Imani.

Walking around Aventura, I tried to decide where I should go first. I wish I knew the Sex of the new baby, I'm ready to spoil him or her too. I am so grateful that I won't be doing this basically on my own. But the only reason I did last time was because of me being selfish.

I learned so many lessons from that.

Before I headed into a place to shop for Mani, my bladder was seconds from bursting, so I rushed to the bathroom. After handling my business, I got ready to walk out but when I opened the door, I was greeted by someone I didn't want to see. "Travis."

"Wassup." He smiled while walking me back into the bathroom, locking the door.

"What are you doing?"

"I saw a familiar face and decided to speak."

"You don't have to lock me in a bathroom to speak, now excuse me." I tried to get past but he pulled me back.

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