Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jordyn Edwards

Walking into the house, I deeply sighed. If I could move to Paris, I would. It was so beautiful, the entire trip was amazing from start to finish. Only reason why I'm glad to be home is because I miss Mani more than ever.

Speaking of my angel. "MOMMY, DADDY!" She ran to the door, jumping up in Chris's arms. I walked over to them and kissed her cheek.

"Hi baby, we missed you." I said before kissing her again.

"Let me see, let me see." His mom said rushing over to me. A big grin peeled across my face as I showed her my new piece of jewelry. "My babies are getting married." She said while pulling us into a hug. After that she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room.

"Aye she gotta help with these bags!" Chris yelled.

"No she doesn't." Joyce yelled. "So are you excited?"

"Excited is an understatement. I can't believe it, I've been feeling like I'm living in a fairytale these last few days. I'm getting married."

"So when are you going to start playing, I know the wedding is going to be fabulous."

I gave a small smile. "I Uh, I'm not sure if I want a wedding."

Her smile fell. "Why not?"

"The only person I have besides Chris and Imani is Tank and my brother. I don't have any other family so it's like who would I even invite. I don't really make friends, they all seem to cross me at some point time. As much as I would love this huge wedding, I might not have that."

"A small ceremony with the people that love and care about you would be just as beautiful. And never forget that I'll always be there for you no matter what."

"Thank you mama." I hugged her.

"I've never seen my son glow the way you make him glow."

I laughed. "I love that man so much. I'm lucky."

"So is he. I'm glad he found you and Imani."

"Me too. I can't wait to tell her she's going to be a big sister. She's probably going to have a fit." I looked back at her playing with Chris and Bully.

"You never know, she might be excited. She's still young so it might not bother her to share."

"I hope so."

"Well you go get settled in, get some rest. I know you're exhausted from that flight. I'm gonna start dinner."

"Yes and I have homework so I'm gonna go work on that."

"Get some rest Jordyn."

"I will." I chuckled while heading upstairs. I'm so grateful for mama J. It's like I'm finally getting a chance at having a mother figure in my life.

Once I showered, I slipped on a Chris's shirt and some shorts then grabbed my laptop and books.

I had so much due by tomorrow night. I loved being in Paris but it really put me behind on my school work. I opened my book and started my work but once I got to question two my eyes got sooooo heavy.

"Now is not the time for a nap Jordyn." I rubbed my eyes and started working again. I found the answer to the second question and once I got to three my eyes got even heavier. I started to nod off. My baby is ready for his or her mommy to rest.

I knew that I wasn't going to win this fight so I closed my books and and pushed them away from me. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was knocked out.

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