Part 1, chapter 1

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"Hey there, I'm Sandi Bardell and I'm so pleased to welcome to "Hey, New York" the new sensational group, girlRulz. Singing "When, Where, Why," off their debut album WWW.How, Vyola Katz and girlRulz." Wow, Sandi thought to herself, these young women were about to blow up huge.

As the stage lights came up and glared in her eyes, Vyola took a deep breath and stretched her arms high over her head, flashing her signature signal to her fans. Fists together, thumbs up and touching to form a diamond. For a moment, she looked out over the crowd. She smiled. Word had gotten out as their publicist had promised. The audience was packed with girls and their moms, and dads, she noted. What good dads, she thought. She looked at Patience to her left and Jjenni to her right. They nodded to one another and then raised their arms, too, each offering the same symbol with their hands. The crowd went crazy, clapping, crying out shouts of love. The girls flashed big smiles. Patience retired to her keyboards and Jjenni to her drums. Vyola picked up her guitar and raised her hand high. She slammed the first chord and began to sing:

"I couldn't wait to see you

But you were late again

You texted me you couldn't make it,

I didn't mind, I sighed, He's so great

I texted back when, when, when?

When will I see you?

When will I touch you?

When will I kiss you again?

I pulled right up to your gate

But I couldn't get in

You pulled an all-nighter, so very wiped

No problem, babe, later we'll Skype

I said to you where, where, where?

Where will I meet you?

Where will I touch you?

Where can I hold you again?

You just knocked on my door

I'm not there anymore

Not looking back, glad to be gone

How can you ask when, where, why?

When were you there?

Where were you, where?

Why didn't you care?"

The last notes of Vyola's voice faded across the audience, and they exploded into applause. Shouts filled the air, roaring like a waterfall in her ears. Vyola's heart raced as her bandmates joined her again centerstage. They hugged, then faced the audience, arms entwined as they made their bows. The show host desperately tried to calm the shouting but unable to do so laughed and waved her hand at the camera man.

"Going to commercial," she shouted.

"We'll be right back with girlRulz!"


(Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of TBTILAF!)

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