Announcement (His Side)

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BigHit Entertainment

Namjoon POV

It's quarter past 11 in the morning, the boys and myself are practicing in the studio for our performance next week.

We'll be performing songs from our recent album; Wings, to the Armys during the fanmeeting. It will be the last week of the album promotion before we take a break for a few weeks.

It's clear that we are exhausted and drenched from all the promotion activities and packed schedules for the past 3 months, so Bang PD-nim decided to end the album promotion and let us go on a break.

As I was trying to perfect my footwork for 'Fire' choreography, Taehyung approached.

"Uh, hyung.." Taehyung said breathlessly.

"Ne. What is it Tae?" I replied as I was still focusing on the choreo.

"Can we take a break for awhile? 15 minutes maybe?" he asked as he wiped off the sweats rolling down on the side of his face.

I looked at the clock on the wall, 11:15 am. We practiced since 8 in the morning so we've been here for 3 hours.

It was funny actually, J-Hope insisted all of us to start practice early on this week. His reason?

*Flashback to the night before*

"Yahh the members should be full of energy in the morning so why not?" J-Hope does his reasoning as he sit on the couch.

*End of flashback*

Yea right, it took me 30 minutes of yelling and slapping Jungkook to wake up since that fucker's a heavy sleeper.

Then I turn my gaze towards J-Hope.

I said "So how Hobi-yah? Should we take a break now? I think we should have lunch straightaway then probably we could resume our practice at..... 1pm."

I need to ask J-Hope first as he's the one responsible for our practice today.

"Sure." J-Hope replied immediately as he fans himself with his shirt.

"Yeayyy!!" Taehyung shouted at the same time raising both of his hand and punch them to the air.

"Hey let's eat at the restaurant across the building. I want to have buckwheat noodles and donkatseu for lunch." Taehyung said happily with that boxy smile of his.

"Yea hyung, can we?" said Jimin and Jungkook together.

"Sure why not, lets go!" I shouted and the maknaes started rushing towards the door. Aish this brats.

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